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  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd February 09
    Garrettsville, Ohio
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    I just showed up and volunteered.

    Our family reunion is always the Sunday before Memorial Day, so when we (me, wife and kids) left the house for church on Sunday, we had bags packed and no intention of returning home until Monday evening.

    Showed up to church kilted, played Amazing Grace with the organist, delivered the sermon since the pastor is on vacation and I'd been asked in advance, closed with the final "Amen" and went to our reunion. It went well, everyone had a good time.

    My Grandmothers' four kids and their descendants (now four generations from my grandma) have a tradition of spending the night at Grandmas. Due to the growing family, this now includes campers, tents, etc. We sit up half the night visiting, playing cards, etc.

    So... On Monday morning, about 7:00 a.m., I get up and dressed long before anyone else and decide to go get gas instead of waiting till I'm headed back out of town. On the way to the gas station, I passed the local War Memorial. The flag was at half mast so I knew there would be a ceremony at noon to raise it to full mast.

    An idea popped into my head.

    I got my gas, then drove to the police department. I confirmed with the dispatcher on duty that there was indeed a parade and wreath laying ceremony starting at 10:45. "Do you have a piper and do you want a piper?" I asked. She called the police chief, who called the fire chief, who called the mayor, who called the Master of Ceremonies who called me back at my Grandmas.

    I told him I had my pipes and kilt in a closet at my Grandmothers and would be willing to play. He told me to be there at 10:30 to meet him beforehand so he could explain to me when he wanted me to play. I got there about 10:00 to park and find my way around the area, found the marching band director, who found the fire chief, who found the M.C.

    He gave me the option of either marching in the parade or just waiting near the monument. I chose to wait. There was a very nice and somewhat moving ceremony. The Mayor spoke and i liked him. Straight shooter with an appreciation for veterans and those who did not return.

    To be honest, I was a little disappointed that the heat affected my pipes as badly as it did, but every comment I heard was good. I think I'm overly critical of my tuning because most people claim to not like bagpipes based on having heard poorly tuned pipes. I try to have them as perfect as I can, but playing, tuning and then standing in the sun for an hour can wreak havoc on an instrument.

    Seems a shame to spend an entire Memorial Day weekend and not do something to honor those who have given us the freedoms we hold in our hands. Twenty years ago, I signed up for the military. Yesterday, I just played the pipes. But it's something, no matter how small, to honor those who did the task they were assigned to the last measure.
    I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    6th July 07
    The Highlands,Scotland.
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    What a super thing to do.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    21st December 05
    Hawick, Scotland
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    Guid oan ya!
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    22nd December 10
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    That is fantastic! Good job.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    [-[COLOR="DimGray"]Floreat Majestas[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Red"]Semper Vigilans[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Navy"]Aut Pax Aut Bellum[/COLOR]-|-[I][B]Go mbeannai Dia duit[/B][/I]-]
    [COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]"I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]- John Calvin[/B]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    19th August 09
    About and around, depends on the season.
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    Absolutely wonderful.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    16th September 10
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    Thank you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    7th February 11
    London, Canada
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    Well done! Blessings!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    9th May 09
    In our RV from NY to FL
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    I'm sure you were a most welcome addition to the ceremony. Thank you for decision to stay and play
    Santa Wally
    Charter member of Clan Claus Society, Clan Wallace Society
    C.W. Howard Santa School Alumni
    International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas

  10. #10
    Join Date
    24th May 11
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    Excellent post, ohiopiper. I think a lot of communities would be well served if more pipers took initiative like you did, especially solo pipers. It isn't glamorous to kilt up and play 'Amazing Grace' at a memorial service, but rarely does something that takes so little effort mean so much to so many people. Well done.

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