My last 24 hours....pure tortuous hell.
Night before last, I had a salad for dinner that I neglected to wash before I prepped. About midnight my stomach started cramping in a way that was almost unbearable. By 1 in the morning I was worshipping the porcelain throne violently from bothe ends which lasted until about 6 in the morning. I literally had to make a palet in the hallway next to the WC so I could be right there when moments arose. I was delirious with pain and really felt the death would be some kind of relief from this! By 8PM last night things began to subside, and by this morning all the cramping,pain, and all that goes with food poisoning had gone. My body feels like I've run a marathon and I'm walking like an old man, but I feel 100% better. I lived in Africa for 6 years and NEVER got sick like this...this has to have been the worst!
Man...I feel for you. The same thing happened to me in France, one time, save that it lasted for over two days; I really thought I was going to die.
Driving the porcelain bus, wether in Europe or the U.S., is no picnic.
I'm glad you're doing better.
Sorry to hear
Sorry to hear about your illness. I've had the salad experience once before and it wasn't fun at all. Also had a couple bouts of stomach ailments in Afghanistan during my first couple of tours. Glad to hear you're feeling better. If nothing else, you have stronger stomach muscles now and you probably lost a couple of pounds! (I always try to find the positive side of things!!!!)
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine
Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921
I, too, have been there and done that!
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and hope all of your kilts still fit!
I experienced that as a the result of a weekend in Morocco, while studying in Spain years ago.
Taught me a lot about medical care overseas..... and holes in porcelain floors.
Chiles rellenos in good ol' Torrance, California some thirty years ago and I still remember the experience!
As others have said, at least it's a good start on that weight-loss program
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].
My sympathies. I'm still recovering from a bout of food poisoning that hit me on Good Friday. It resulted in an imflamed colon, (colitis) and I was in bed with what I thought was the flu for two weeks, and then in the hospital for seven days, By then, my kidneys were shutting down. All in all, it's been a rough road to travel, but I'm finally getting my strength back. Glad you were able to recover quickly. Hope you never have to go through it again.
The worst part about me experience is that I lost 24 lbs., and my kilts don't fit me any more. I've had to shift the buckles. My Argyll jackets don't fit me any more either. My wife likes it that I've lost weight, so I'll have to take the jackets to a tailor!
You might consider saving the packet, any remaining salad (refrigerated), and contacting the Center for Disease Control (CDC). As you know, plenty of liquids...!
9th June 11, 12:20 PM
Egads, I feel for you. It must have been really bad if you wished you were dead but I know the feeling.
"The fun of a kilt is to walk, not to sit"
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