Re: Top 5 Numeber 3
1. Gordon Ramsay (depending on the quality of the meal it could be very good or very bad, but either way very interesting)
2. Stephen Hawking (nerd cred)
3. George Romero (nerd cred x2)
4. Robb Wolfe (author of The Paleo Solution)
5. Frank Turner (musician)
1. My dad
2. Barry Goldwater
3. James Beard (for the same reasons as Gordon Ramsay)
4. McKinley Morganfield, aka Muddy Waters
5. Bettie Page
1. Barry Goldwater
2. PJ O'Rourke
(that's about it without espousing current political views in violation of das rules)
I wouldn't trade places with pretty much anyone, although I wouldn't mind the financial statuses of some...
Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude