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  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd February 08
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    70 Years Ago Today

    I know, the attack on Pearl Harbor was 70 years ago yesterday. 70 years ago today, my father's brother, Uncle Lewis, enlisted in the US Army. A lot of people did, including his best friend. They went through training together and were assigned to the same unit in the 1st Infantry Division. Fought side by side throughout North Africa and Sicily. Hit Omaha Beach together. They were under heavy shelling and took cover in a mortar crater, and the friend took a direct mortar hit. Uncle Lewis survived, and lived to come home after the war in 1946. But he was never the same, and understandably so. For the rest of his life, he would suffer from what we now know as PTSD. Had issues with drugs and alcohol, couldn't seem to hold a steady job. I remember my Dad going to get him when he would get locked up, bring him to our farm, and he'd stay for a while. Sometimes it was a few days, sometimes it would be a few weeks. I remember Uncle Lewis helping Mom with the cooking and laundry, and how he would sometimes sit in the backyard smoking roll your own cigarettes, one after the other. He'd always drift away, returning to the streets and trying to find some escape from his demons. He finally found peace when he died on those streets one cold night in Louisville, KY. But he really died that day on Omaha Beach, killed by the same German mortar that took the life of his friend. To my Uncle Lewis, Godspeed, and may you rest in peace.
    "My beloved America, thank you for your children. If your children want to become soldiers I will train them. When they are hungry I will feed them. When they are thirsty I will give them water. When they fight for freedom I will lead them. When they are unsteady on the battlefield I will motivate them. If they die on the battlefield I will bury them. So help me God."

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Walcott, IA 52773
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    Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    CS - that is a very moving story. I am sorry for your loss, but extend my humble thanks to your family for their sacrifice. Thank you for sharing.

  3. #3
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    Thumbs up Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    On this very special day to American Naval Veterens, I say THANK YOU. As a Scottish Military Veteran, I also take the time to remember ALL servicemen that have been lost, wounded or damaged in the service of their fellow man. I always take the time to remember my Uncle JIMMY who was a POW in the infamous CHANGI Prison Camp. Life was a B##CH, and then he came home to those that loved him, and they brought him back from the dead and with love and patience, helped him rediscover his passion for life. " a man's a man, for aw that".
    Aye Yours.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    Yes a salute to all who served in WW2 and who served before and since. Bless them wherever they are. Man woman and child soldier.
    PTSD is insidious and the memories of combat can never be fully explained to someone who has never been there. Midnight memories of rice paddies and jungles some 45 years later are inexplicable and unwelcome but at least I came home.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Orangeburg SC via Los Angeles CA
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    Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    All gave some. Some gave all. And some still continue to give.

    Condolences on your loss to any and all that have lost a loved one in these matters.

    "It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow too fond of it."

    ~ Robert E. Lee
    I've found that most relationships work best when no one wears pants.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    A very touching story. Your Uncle's (his friend's and SO MANY others') sacrifices, while not fully comprehended by many, can not and will not be forgotten. Thank you for sharing.
    "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Benjamin Franklin

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    Your story really moved me. We should never forget what all these men, your uncle included, did and had to suffer to give us a better world.

    Kilted for comfort, difference, look, variety and versatility

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    It's easy to forget what these men went through and the devastating and lasting effect that battlefield experience can have on many survivors. Yours is a tragic tale indeed. My condolences. I'm sure Lewis is in a better place now.

    Lest we forget.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    Thank you for sharing your tribute to your uncle, and for his service.

    I paid a similar tribute to my cousin, whom I briefly mentioned in my thread In Remembrance: A Day of Infamy when he passed away a little over a year ago in a thread dedicated to his memory on Veterans Day (Merrills Marauders). He served in the 5307th Composite Unit (provisional) a.k.a. Merrill's Marauders. Like your uncle, he carried some memories from serving in three wars that were to painful to share outside of his "Band of Brothers" (oh, to have been a fly on the wall during those gatherings of former WWII Rangers & Marauders!).
    He was my hero, as are all who have (or do) wear the uniform.
    Thank you one & all for your service!

    Oh, my avatar for this month of Christmas is an artistic rendering from a book (cover) by author Jim Murphy entitled "Truce" (the Christmas Truce of WW1 ~ one of my favorite stories from that war).

    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: 70 Years Ago Today

    Thinking about what servicemen in action, past and present, have to go through,really puts today's problems into perspective. A big part of the problem is that so few are prepared or even able to describe the horrors they have faced, so the full impact is never passed down. My father was on a ship that was bombed and lost many friends, but to his dying day would never discuss it other than to say that swimming in oil for an hour in the Indian Ocean is not recommended exercise!
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

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