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  1. #1
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    New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    I took some pics yesterday during my visit
    the first is of the paddle steamer Waverley at its winter berth across the Clyde beside the Science Centre

    the next is of the outside of the new museum opened last year

    next is the old Standard tram with Maryhill as its destination

    these are not dinky toys but life size vehicles on shelfs high up the wall, quite controversial as no one can get near them to inspect them, there is numerous vehicles displayed like this

    some pics of Kelvin Street within the museum

  2. #2
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    the underpass going from the museum to Yorkhill with excellent murals on the walls

    and lastly we are sitting having a drink in the Three Judges at Partick Cross looking out their big window up along Byres Road (i will be addressing the Haggis hers on Burns Night)

  3. #3
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    Byres Road from Partick Cross

  4. #4
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    Jimmy, your making me homesick again. I could go a few pints of Deuchars IPA at the Three Judges on Partick Cross or the Park Bar on Argyle Street, followed by a wee visit to the Uni Cafe for a fish supper.

  5. #5
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Crowe View Post
    Jimmy, your making me homesick again. I could go a few pints of Deuchars IPA at the Three Judges on Partick Cross or the Park Bar on Argyle Street, followed by a wee visit to the Uni Cafe for a fish supper.
    you obviously know the judges, famous for its ale and the Uni cafe for its fish tea, only problem those seats in the cafe seem to be getting smaller!

  6. #6
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy View Post
    you obviously know the judges, famous for its ale and the Uni cafe for its fish tea, only problem those seats in the cafe seem to be getting smaller!
    Being somewhat local while a mature student at Glasgow Uni (1996-2000 and 2002-2003), I introduced students from all over the world to the Park Bar, The Judges, The Aragon (on Byres Road), The Uisgbeatha (on Woodlands Road) to name a few. The FCO never recognised my sterling diplomatic work entertaining Britain's visitors, and I even managed to fit in a couple of degrees in the process.

    Great photos of the new Transport Museum. Hope I can get to visit sometime in the not too distant future.
    Last edited by Peter Crowe; 10th January 12 at 10:30 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Crowe View Post
    Being somewhat local while a mature student at Glasgow Uni (1996-2000 and 2002-2003), I introduced students from all over the world to the Park Bar, The Judges, The Aragon (on Byres Road), The Uisgbeatha (on Woodlands Road) to name a few. The FCO never recognised my sterling diplomatic work entertaining Britain's visitors, and I even managed to fit in a couple of degrees in the process.

    Great photos of the new Transport Museum. Hope I can get to visit sometime in the not too distant future.
    great pubs in the west end, Peter, always a great buzz about Partick at the weekend. Uisgbeatha is now the Dram, remember it was owned by the same chap who had the Drovers in Inveranan after Ardlui, all the staff in both pubs were kilted. The Drovers, I believe is now owned by an Australian but they have retained their tartan image which is pure gold for the tourist trade up there

  8. #8
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    Great pics Jimmy though I am unable to see the one of you sitting inside the Three Judges. The view from the window onto Byres Road brings back lots of happy memories of my days at Glasgow Uni. I've been set to visit the new Transport Museum twice but so far circumstances have conspired against me, perhaps I will get there while I am in Glasgow for the Model Rail show at the SECC in February.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  9. #9
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy View Post
    great pubs in the west end, Peter, always a great buzz about Partick at the weekend. Uisgbeatha is now the Dram, remember it was owned by the same chap who had the Drovers in Inveranan after Ardlui, all the staff in both pubs were kilted. The Drovers, I believe is now owned by an Australian but they have retained their tartan image which is pure gold for the tourist trade up there
    Aye, I've been at the Drovers a few times driving up towards Oban and Fort William. The guy who owned the Drovers and the Uisgbeatha was in the same class as one of my two best pals from Uddingston at Holy Cross High School in Hamilton back in the late 70's early 80's.

  10. #10
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    Re: New Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    Great pics Jimmy though I am unable to see the one of you sitting inside the Three Judges. The view from the window onto Byres Road brings back lots of happy memories of my days at Glasgow Uni. I've been set to visit the new Transport Museum twice but so far circumstances have conspired against me, perhaps I will get there while I am in Glasgow for the Model Rail show at the SECC in February.
    Alex, I used to go to the model rail exhibition at the SECC and when I was a wee boy at the Maclellan galleries on Sauchiehall Street. Is Alan Boddell (my old Chemistry teacher at Hawick High School) still involved in Hawick's annual model train exhibition?

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