25th February 12, 07:57 PM
Louisville Kilt Night 3/24/12 Irish Rover Frankfort Ave
A few months ago our own EagleJCS (John Scott) happily rejoined the ranks of the gainfully employed after a prolonged absence, and at that time I promised a celebratory kilt night in honor of that event. Unfortunately we could never get our schedules to jibe because of holidays and work commitments (that comes with having a job). We have now settled on Saturday night March 24, 2012, around 5 pm for dinner or a little later for just drinks, here in Louisville at one of John's favorite genuine celtic bar/restaurants, the Irish Rover Restaurant at 2319 Frankfort Ave., Louisville, KY 40206 (502-899-3544) :
Folks from all over are invited but specifically those of us in the north-central Kentucky area, Southern Indiana region, and even folks from up in Cincinnati, down in Nashville, over in Lexington, or up in Indianapolis should pass the word along to their kilted brethren to gather up a good crowd for the event. Let me know if anybody needs any more info or specific directions. Also let me know if you are coming for dinner at 5 so I can make sure we get a big enough table for everybody. Looking forward to a well earned if a bit belated celebration. Hope to see a lot of you there.
Last edited by ForresterModern; 25th February 12 at 08:00 PM.
25th February 12, 08:17 PM
Re: Louisville Kilt Night 3/24/12 Irish Rover Frankfort Ave
25th February 12, 10:14 PM
Re: Louisville Kilt Night 3/24/12 Irish Rover Frankfort Ave
Since it's in my honor, I think I'll be there.
Last edited by EagleJCS; 25th February 12 at 10:14 PM.
27th February 12, 07:13 AM
Re: Louisville Kilt Night 3/24/12 Irish Rover Frankfort Ave
Should be worth the trek to the big city. I've put it on my calendar and will let you know when it's a firm commitment.
Kenneth Mansfield
My tartan quilt: Austin, Campbell, Hamilton, MacBean, MacFarlane, MacLean, MacRae, Robertson, Sinclair (and counting)
16th March 12, 10:32 AM
Re: Louisville Kilt Night 3/24/12 Irish Rover Frankfort Ave
A week and a day! Can't wait to see y'all again!
17th March 12, 01:18 PM
Re: Louisville Kilt Night 3/24/12 Irish Rover Frankfort Ave
Just wanted to give this a bump to see if we can shake up a few more attendees. Should be fun as this is a great Irish bar and dinner and drinks will be flowing.
22nd March 12, 01:53 AM
Last bump before the get together at the Irish Rover this Saturday. Hoping for a good turnout.
23rd March 12, 07:05 PM
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at 5pm.
23rd March 12, 11:51 PM
A little over 14 hours! Whee! Off to bed...
25th March 12, 07:12 AM
I'm sorry I missed it. My high school senior had his first outdoor track meet and then my neighbors' college-age sons were all home and helped me get the roofs on my toddler son's playset. Driving to Louisville after all that wouldn't have been a problem, but driving home would have. 
Hope you guys had a great time.
Kenneth Mansfield
My tartan quilt: Austin, Campbell, Hamilton, MacBean, MacFarlane, MacLean, MacRae, Robertson, Sinclair (and counting)
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