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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Irish Birth certificates

    After reading comments from people on this forum, I decided to do a bit of research into my family history? I'd really like to be able to trace my family back to their departure from Scotland.

    I've been looking around today and so far I've traced back to my great-great-great-grandfather on the 1901 census who was apparently born in 1822. ( Didn't take too long as the family has moved from the same town until my father moved to Derry)

    Are there any good websites to find birth certificates from around the 1820s? Or something else to find his parents?

    I know Irish records are hard to find from this time, but can anyone point me in the right direction?
    Last edited by Blackrose87; 6th April 12 at 10:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Irish records are notoriously patchy, I believe that many were destroyed by fire.
    I have three Scottish grandparents and one Irish and it is the Irish branch of my family which I have found most difficult to trace back, though a lot of the information which I did eventually manage to obtain came through joining the Ulster Heritage Foundation.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  3. #3
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    They are patchy not just because some were destroyed by fire. If you were Catholic, you weren't worthy of a birth certificate until past the second half of the 19th century.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    There was a large fire at the Irish GRO in 1922 where many records were destroyed, so, yes, results can be patchy.
    There are places that can help, try this link.
    Irish Government registration for all births, marriages and deaths in Ireland began in 1864. Records for non-Catholic marraiges began in 1845. For this reason church/parish/civil records are more useful in tracing Irish ancestry for Protestant and Catholic alike before the 1820's, but, again, the results can be patchy unless you have solid evidence to begin with.
    Cessna152towser gives good advice regarding the Ulster Heritage Foundation.
    I wish you the best of luck with this, Blackrose87, it's an equally frustrating and rewarding journey you are setting foot upon.

  5. #5
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    If you know the parish they were born in then parish records can go back further then government ones.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackrose87 View Post
    I know Irish records are hard to find from this time, but can anyone point me in the right direction?
    I can not speak to birth certificates but I owned a flat in Ennis. Unfortunately, I had to later sell the flat and my solicitor had to trace title records well back into the 1800s. I thought some of the records they provided were fascinating. I am no expert on real estate but I was told by someone that this is because there is no title insurance like in the US. What I do know is that absent one link in the chain it would have at least delayed sale. So at least for property is seems records were pretty good, at least in my experience.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacSpadger View Post
    There was a large fire at the Irish GRO in 1922 where many records were destroyed, so, yes, results can be patchy.
    Would the GRO have had records from all 32 countries at this time? Or would the 6 northern countries record have been in Belfast?
    My father's family are all from Ballymena in Antrim, so maybe some records still exist?

    My father has tried with his Presbyterian church but they only seem to have records back til 1860 or thereabouts.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackrose87 View Post
    Would the GRO have had records from all 32 countries at this time? Or would the 6 northern countries record have been in Belfast?
    I really don't know, sorry. I only have limited experience when I was looking for a possible Irish McCaig. (Turns out I should have been looking in Lochaber).
    Last edited by MacSpadger; 5th April 12 at 10:26 AM.

  9. #9
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    I think was able to find some more information from gravestones in Ballymena.
    Found someone with the same surname who died in 1840, and my g-g-g-grandfather was born 1822. So might have been his father, but I'm still looking for any information to connect them.
    Might have to go down to the GRO in Dublin and see what they have.

  10. #10
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    How would someone find out information on their Irish ancestrors going back to the 1600's?
    The first member of my familty to be born in America was born in York Co. Virginia in 1670. His father and uncle had emigrated from Ireland but I don't know when or from where in Ireland. From 1670 on,. I have a pretty complete geneology, but prior to their landing on the Shores of America, nothing.

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