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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    common phrases one might hear - festivals?

    I need some help for this coming "event/festival" season here in Colorado. Or as I meet people out and about with my kilt on... I tried several word searches, but did not find anything in this section.

    People keep popping out with phrases to me and I am completely at a loss for meanings. When I can write enough out to make sense of it, I look it up if I can. But, most of the time it goes by too fast for me to understand the words.

    As a group on here, I'm sure you all have a pretty good list. Soooo, could you please post some? Or, send me to some web page that may have a bunch? I have been trying to find them myself, but not really doing very well.

  2. #2
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    The following phrases (Na h-Abairtean) are in Scottish Gaelic:

    "Dè an t-ainm a tha oirbh?" (Jeh un TAH-num uh HAW-ruv?) What's your name?

    "'S mise.....(insert your name)." (SMIH-shuh...) "My name is..."

    "Ciamar a tha sibh?" (KIM-mer uh HAH shiv?) "How are you?"

    "Tha gu math, tapadh leibh." (HAH guh MAH, TAH-puh LEH-eev) "I'm well, thank you."

    "Dè tha thu a dèanamh?" (Jeh HAH oo uh JEE-ah-nuv?) "What are you doing?"

    "Chan eil mi a' dèanamh càil." (chahn-yel mee uh JEE-ah-nuv KAHL) "I'm not doing anything."

    "Tha mi airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh." (hah mee EHR-sawn GAH-lik YOON-sa-hugkh) "I want to learn Gaelic."

    "A bheil an t-acras ort?" (Uh VEHL uhn TAH-krus orsht?) "Are you hungry?"

    "Ceart gu leòr. Tha an t-acras orm." (Kyarsht guh LYAWR. Hahn TAH-krus AW-rum) "You bet. I'm hungry."

    "Bu toigh leam bracaist a ghabhail." (Boo tuh LUH-oom BRAH-kawsht uh GAH-ull) "I would like to have breakfast."

    "Càit a bheil an taigh beag?" (KAHTCH uh vehl un tye bek?) "Where's the bathroom?"

    "An toir thu dhomh pòg?" (Un TUH-r oo ghawnh pawk?) "Will you give me a kiss?"

    "Cha toir, ach bheir mi dhut sgailc!" (Chah TUH-r, ach vehr mee ghoot skahlk!) "No, but I'll slap you!"

    "Slàinte mhòr agad!" (SLAHN-tchuh VORR AH-kut!) "Great health to you!" ("Cheers!")

    "Nach i tha teth an-diugh?" (nahch ee hah TCHEH un-DJOO?) "Isn't it hot today? (It's hot today.)"

    "Bha e brèagha an-de." (Vah eh BREE-uh un-DJEH) "It was beautiful yesterday."

    "Cò an caora sin còmhla riut a chunnaic mi an-raoir?" (Kaw uhn KEU-ra shin KAW-la root uh CHOO-nik mee uhn-royer?) "Who was that sheep I saw you with last night?"

    "Cha b'e sin caora, 'se sin mo chèile a bha innte!" (Chah beh shin KEU-ra, sheh shin moe CHYEH-luh uh vah EEN-tchuh!) "That was no sheep, that was my spouse!"

    "Tha gaol agam ort." (Hah GEUL AH-kum orsht) "I love you."

    "Tha gaol agam ort-fhèin." (Hah GEUL AH-kum orsht-HEH-een) "I love you too."

    "Chan eil fhios agam." (CHAHN-yel iss AH-kum) "I don't know."

    "Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?" (jeh HAH oo ug EE-uh-ree) "What do you want?"

    "Tha mi ag iarraidh briosgaid!" (hah mi ug-EE-uh-ree BRISS-kahtch) "I want a cookie!"

    "'S toigh leam briosgaidean gu mòr!" (STUH LUH-oom BRISS-kaht-chun goo MAWR) "I like cookies -- a lot!"

    "A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh?" (uh vil GAH-lik AH-kiv) "Do you speak Gaelic?"

    "Tha, beagan." (hah, BECK-un) "Yes, a little."

    "Dè thuirt thu?" (jeh HOORSHT oo) "What did you say?"

    "Can a-rithist sin?" (kahn uh-REE-isht shin) "Say that again?"

    "Chan eil mi a' tuigsinn." (chan-yel mi uh-TOOK-shin) "I don't understand."

    "Tha mi duilich." (hah mee DOOH-lich) "I'm sorry."

    "Gabhaibh mo leisgeul." (GAHV-iv moe LESH-kul) "Excuse me."

    "Ceart gu leòr." (kyarsht guh LYAWR) "Right enough" -- "Okay."

    "Tha sin glè mhath!" (hah shin gleh VAH) "That's very good!"

    "'S math sin!" (SMAH-shin) "Great!" -- "Terrific!"

    "Ma 'se ur toil e." (mah sheh oor TUL-leh) "please."

    "Tapadh leat." (TAH-puh LAHT -- also -- TAHplett) "Thank you."

    "Mòran taing." (MAW-run TAH-eeng) "Many thanks."

    "'Se do bheatha." (sheh doe VEH-huh) "You're welcome."

    "Mar sin leibh an dràsda." (mahr shin LEH-eev un DRAHSS-tuh) "Ta ta for now."

    Last edited by creagdhubh; 6th June 12 at 11:02 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Don't forget this one...Cá bhfuil an leithreas is cóngaraí dom?

    Where is the bathroom?
    "just as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28
    Clan Maclachlan
    Clan Hanna

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    creagdhubh, You my friend are awesome... I can't thank you enough.
    Or, I should say Mòran taing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Mule, you won't hear that many of the above. Usually just Slàinte. By the way, stop by the Clan MacLea (Livingstone) tent at any of them here. I'll be the one in the Livingstone kilt
    Last edited by Livingston; 6th June 12 at 12:13 PM.
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mule View Post
    creagdhubh, You my friend are awesome... I can't thank you enough.
    Or, I should say Mòran taing.
    No worries!

    Slainte mhath!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    Mule, you won't hear that many of the above. Usually just Slàinte. By the way, stop by the Clan MacLea (Livingstone) tent at any of them here. I'll be the one in the Livingstone kilt
    I'm usually somewhere around the MacKay tent. If the Athol Brose is there/out, I have arrived. I'm the only one that makes it for our tent... I'll look for you.

    I actually hear a few, we have some members that are from across the pond.

  8. #8
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    I forgot to tell you. My Daughter is friends with a Macpherson. They live in the Broomfield, CO area if I'm not mistaken. I think their family will be attending some of the festivals with us this year. Shoot me a PM if you travel this way for any of them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post
    The following phrases (Na h-Abairtean) are in Scottish Gaelic:

    "Dè an t-ainm a tha oirbh?" (Jeh un TAH-num uh HAW-ruv?) What's your name?

    "'S mise.....(insert your name)." (SMIH-shuh...) "My name is..."

    "Ciamar a tha sibh?" (KIM-mer uh HAH shiv?) "How are you?"

    "Tha gu math, tapadh leibh." (HAH guh MAH, TAH-puh LEH-eev) "I'm well, thank you."

    "Dè tha thu a dèanamh?" (Jeh HAH oo uh JEE-ah-nuv?) "What are you doing?"

    "Chan eil mi a' dèanamh càil." (chahn-yel mee uh JEE-ah-nuv KAHL) "I'm not doing anything."

    "Tha mi airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh." (hah mee EHR-sawn GAH-lik YOON-sa-hugkh) "I want to learn Gaelic."

    "A bheil an t-acras ort?" (Uh VEHL uhn TAH-krus orsht?) "Are you hungry?"

    "Ceart gu leòr. Tha an t-acras orm." (Kyarsht guh LYAWR. Hahn TAH-krus AW-rum) "You bet. I'm hungry."

    "Bu toigh leam bracaist a ghabhail." (Boo tuh LUH-oom BRAH-kawsht uh GAH-ull) "I would like to have breakfast."

    "Càit a bheil an taigh beag?" (KAHTCH uh vehl un tye bek?) "Where's the bathroom?"

    "An toir thu dhomh pòg?" (Un TUH-r oo ghawnh pawk?) "Will you give me a kiss?"

    "Cha toir, ach bheir mi dhut sgailc!" (Chah TUH-r, ach vehr mee ghoot skahlk!) "No, but I'll slap you!"

    "Slàinte mhòr agad!" (SLAHN-tchuh VORR AH-kut!) "Great health to you!" ("Cheers!")

    "Nach i tha teth an-diugh?" (nahch ee hah TCHEH un-DJOO?) "Isn't it hot today? (It's hot today.)"

    "Bha e brèagha an-de." (Vah eh BREE-uh un-DJEH) "It was beautiful yesterday."

    "Cò an caora sin còmhla riut a chunnaic mi an-raoir?" (Kaw uhn KEU-ra shin KAW-la root uh CHOO-nik mee uhn-royer?) "Who was that sheep I saw you with last night?"

    "Cha b'e sin caora, 'se sin mo chèile a bha innte!" (Chah beh shin KEU-ra, sheh shin moe CHYEH-luh uh vah EEN-tchuh!) "That was no sheep, that was my spouse!"

    "Tha gaol agam ort." (Hah GEUL AH-kum orsht) "I love you."

    "Tha gaol agam ort-fhèin." (Hah GEUL AH-kum orsht-HEH-een) "I love you too."

    "Chan eil fhios agam." (CHAHN-yel iss AH-kum) "I don't know."

    "Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?" (jeh HAH oo ug EE-uh-ree) "What do you want?"

    "Tha mi ag iarraidh briosgaid!" (hah mi ug-EE-uh-ree BRISS-kahtch) "I want a cookie!"

    "'S toigh leam briosgaidean gu mòr!" (STUH LUH-oom BRISS-kaht-chun goo MAWR) "I like cookies -- a lot!"

    "A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh?" (uh vil GAH-lik AH-kiv) "Do you speak Gaelic?"

    "Tha, beagan." (hah, BECK-un) "Yes, a little."

    "Dè thuirt thu?" (jeh HOORSHT oo) "What did you say?"

    "Can a-rithist sin?" (kahn uh-REE-isht shin) "Say that again?"

    "Chan eil mi a' tuigsinn." (chan-yel mi uh-TOOK-shin) "I don't understand."

    "Tha mi duilich." (hah mee DOOH-lich) "I'm sorry."

    "Gabhaibh mo leisgeul." (GAHV-iv moe LESH-kul) "Excuse me."

    "Ceart gu leòr." (kyarsht guh LYAWR) "Right enough" -- "Okay."

    "Tha sin glè mhath!" (hah shin gleh VAH) "That's very good!"

    "'S math sin!" (SMAH-shin) "Great!" -- "Terrific!"

    "Ma 'se ur toil e." (mah sheh oor TUL-leh) "please."

    "Tapadh leat." (TAH-puh LAHT -- also -- TAHplett) "Thank you."

    "Mòran taing." (MAW-run TAH-eeng) "Many thanks."

    "'Se do bheatha." (sheh doe VEH-huh) "You're welcome."

    "Mar sin leibh an dràsda." (mahr shin LEH-eev un DRAHSS-tuh) "Ta ta for now."

    I'm reminded of Waiting for Godot.

  10. #10
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    Actually, bathroom, as in the toilet, is Taigh Beag. The "small house".
    Last edited by Nick the DSM; 7th June 12 at 10:09 AM.
    Gillmore of Clan Morrison

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