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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st June 06
    Cambridge, ON, CANADA
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    Advice from any Pipe Smokers out there? (Ontario)

    I've never smoked anything in my life (really!!), but I've recently found this pipe among my late Father's things. I never saw him use it so I believe it must have belonged to my Mum's father, and I think I'd like to smoke it in tribute to him. Probably not very often, but at least once at a family gathering where all the cousins could have a puff!

    However, as you can see the stem is damaged. Does anyone know a place near south-western Ontario (Brantford, Tillsonburg, etc.) where I could have it repaired? (I think it's old & possibly Meerschaum).

    Also, any suggestions on a suitable tobacco for a complete novice? I know it's crazy to consider taking up smoking at 63, but I've been a good boy for such a LONG time!

    Thanks for any help, Ron.[/IMG]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    20th January 12
    The Northern Appalachian Highlands of Southern Ohio
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    I can't help with a repair shop near you, but, yes, it is Meerschaum and old. A reputable tobacco shop should be able to help you locate a repair and selection of a very mild tobacco.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Walcott, IA 52773
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    Greetings from Iowa, USA. Tillsonburg? Do you know my "cousin" Hans? I've always wanted to go up to Ontario and meet him and his family.

    Jared Brus

  4. #4
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    PLEASE, wear gloves when handling that pipe. You skin oil will stain it an unsightly color. Now to your problem, I agree. Any reputable tobacco shop should be able to replace the stem for you. It may not be in the same material as the original, but it would make it usable. It may take a little time to order a stem that can be made to fit, but it might be less expensive to buy a cheap pipe and fit the stem from it into yours. (This requires the stem to close to the right diameter, and then heating it with butane lighter to squish to make it thicker or rolling it to make it thinner). Either way, when you smoke, the English blends are for the smoker (good nutty taste, cooler burning so not as hot on your tongue) and the aromatics are for your wife (they burn hot on the tongue, but women love the smell).
    B.D. Marshall
    Texas Convener for Clan Keith

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Hej Ron,

    if you could make a weekend trip to Chicago (8 hours drive if the route planer is correct) I would recommend Iwan Ries. But you should check beforehand with them if they could make the repair before hitting the road.
    This shop has a great reputation amongst the pipe smokers of the world.


    As for tobacco, a nice Virginia mixture would be a great start.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    Weeelll - once I was walking along the row of shops near us and passed a young couple, she was wearing a narrow strip of denim for a skirt and a couple of handkerchieves worth of fabric for a blouse and it was losing the fight to stay closed - I was almost out of earshot when he enquired 'why doesn't your skirt move like that?' Anne the Pleater

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    If you can get hold of it try gawith and hogarth American sweet peach. It's a lovely sweet cool smoke, ideal for the beginner and little to no tongue bite. The ladies will love it too. There are many different to tobaccos depending on your taste but generally divided in to English blends and aromatics . The latter tend to burn hot but the one I mentioned earlier doesn't . Other easily obtainable tobaccos in the USA are captain black anything by G L Pease, and gawith and hogarth which generally is sold loose.

    A good source of information can be found at tobacco reviews.com good luck in your search. Am typing this as I enjoy a pipeful of sweet peach.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    If you can get hold of it try gawith and hogarth American sweet peach. It's a lovely sweet cool smoke, ideal for the beginner and little to no tongue bite. The ladies will love it too. There are many different to tobaccos depending on your taste but generally divided in to English blends and aromatics . The latter tend to burn hot but the one I mentioned earlier doesn't . Other easily obtainable tobaccos in the USA are captain black anything by G L Pease, and gawith and hogarth which generally is sold loose.

    A good source of information can be found at tobacco reviews.com good luck in your search. Am typing this as I enjoy a pipeful of sweet peach.
    I agree with the suggestion of Samuel Gawaith and GL Pease. There are MANY great tobaccos out there. You might look for Penzance; it's a wonderful blend. My two cents = PLEASE PLEASE don't put Captain Black in such a wonderful pipe!!! An ancient meerschaum deserves only the finest!
    "Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim."
    Where the stream is shallowest, it is noisiest.

  8. #8
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    I second the recommendation of Iwan Ries. My office is right across the street. I've been going there for years. The recommended peach sound delightful, I'd also recommend a cherry or vanilla cured tobacco. Not only will I think you'll like the taste better, but it smells pretty nice too.

    About the stem, I'd venture to guess that on a pipe of what looks like a nice vintage, that the stem is bakelite. But it should be easy to replace in something of a similar look, but of more modern resins.

    Its a lovely piece. Enjoy it.

  9. #9
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    Thanks everyone for the suggestions ... any thoughts on how old it might be? That might help me figure out who it belonged to for certain. The reason I think it might have been my maternal grandfather is that I used to paint portraits, and I did one when I was a teenager and I remember him holding a pipe in that.

    As to the stem, it seems to me I read somewhere that some Meerschaums had stems made from amber. Does that sound likely?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Jared ... Does your cousin Hans have an apple orchard & winery business? If so, then I have met him once, and I drive past his place every workday.

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