5th December 13, 08:13 AM
Severe Storms Sweep Across Scotland
I'm quite sure that many of you have already heard about the severe storms that have swept across much of Scotland and have caused hurricane-force winds (gales upwards of 142 mph in some places), flooding, and heavy rain. One person was killed (a lorry driver) when his HGV was blown over onto nearby vehicles by the gale-force winds. I have spoken with friends and family in Scotland and they are doing fine, despite being rather shaken up by the sheer magnitude and power of the wind that this storm has produced. I hope all of our fellow members located throughout Scotland are safe and sound!
Yours aye,
Last edited by creagdhubh; 5th December 13 at 09:12 AM.
Reason: Typo
The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to creagdhubh For This Useful Post:
5th December 13, 08:29 AM
This seems to be the week for bad happening...
Thoughts with all those affected.
AKA - The Scouter in a Kilt.
Proud, but homesick, son of Skye.
Member of the Clan MacLeod Society (Scotland)
5th December 13, 09:01 AM
Yikes, no, I hadn't heard about this. The US has its own storms sweeping through this week that have been getting all the attention.
Looking at the photo of that lorry that blew over onto two other vehicles, it's surprising that the driver of one of the cars wasn't killed too.
5th December 13, 09:11 AM
 Originally Posted by Tobus
Yikes, no, I hadn't heard about this. The US has its own storms sweeping through this week that have been getting all the attention.
Looking at the photo of that lorry that blew over onto two other vehicles, it's surprising that the driver of one of the cars wasn't killed too.
Exactly, Tobus. We are bracing for a severe winter storm slated to arrive later this evening and into the overnight, as well as much of the day on Friday. We've had high temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s F, but are expected to drop 30-40 degrees by tomorrow and into the weekend/week ahead. Crazy weather for early December!
Last edited by creagdhubh; 5th December 13 at 09:26 AM.
5th December 13, 09:11 AM
Aye - it is a bit draughty; but the Met Office have only put it out as an "Amber" warning which most people just ignore as it is "be prepared" rather than "take action". I suppose that most people can't convince their employers that "be prepared" means that they should work from home rather than take the risk travelling to work.
5th December 13, 09:21 AM
 Originally Posted by Lime
Aye - it is a bit draughty; but the Met Office have only put it out as an "Amber" warning which most people just ignore as it is "be prepared" rather than "take action". I suppose that most people can't convince their employers that "be prepared" means that they should work from home rather than take the risk travelling to work.
Excellent point, Lime. Since we are expected to get our first "real" snowfall accumulation tomorrow due to the fast approaching storm, and along with all of the rain we've had today that will surely freeze tonight, more than likely I will be working from home on Friday. Even if my employer keeps our office open for business, I'm staying home if the weather is complete crap. There's no bloody point in risky your neck in the ice and snow, not to mention trying to keep away from all of the idiotic drivers that think they are invincible with their 4-wheel drive and anti-lock brakes. Both of which are completely useless when it comes to ice! No thank you. I think I'll stay home and watch the snowfall from my window, whilst enjoying a good book and a wee dram or two. 
Last edited by creagdhubh; 5th December 13 at 09:31 AM.
Reason: Typo.
The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to creagdhubh For This Useful Post:
5th December 13, 10:05 AM
Yes it has been a bit breezy today with bridges closed and trains cancelled. A couple of fatalities but otherwise not too bad. They seem more worried about the low-lying parts of England.
5th December 13, 10:14 AM
 Originally Posted by Phil
Yes it has been a bit breezy today with bridges closed and trains cancelled. A couple of fatalities but otherwise not too bad. They seem more worried about the low-lying parts of England.
Thanks for your input, Phil.
5th December 13, 10:39 AM
Lots of trees down, debris on the roads. I drive a rural school bus route and the morning run was carried out during the height of the storm. All the children had been brought to the pick up points in their parents 4WDs and I got them in to school on time despite the bus being buffetted by the high winds. I arrived home from the school run to discover that this was one of the few schools in the area which was open today, and there was now a stage four red police warning in force not to travel, and I was concerned whether the kids would get back home. Around lunchtime the winds subsided and the police warning was downgraded to a stage three amber travel with care, so I was able to complete the afternoon school run. The wind has died down now and we are getting a few light snow showers, frost is forecast overnight but it seems the storm has moved south into the north and east of England. All's well here in town though many of the outlying farms are still without power.
Last edited by cessna152towser; 5th December 13 at 10:47 AM.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to cessna152towser For This Useful Post:
5th December 13, 11:18 AM
That's good to know Alex. My OH in Essex is standing by for a bit of a battering. Low lying east coast are standing by for the worst coastal surge for 60 years.
Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
Best regards
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