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  1. #1
    Join Date
    1st October 13
    Goderich, ON Canada
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    The long and the short of it

    I have recently lost weight and am replacing my wardrobe bit by bit. My wife and I stumbled on a great fabric sale and I have material to make six vest/waistcoats. I also have someone to sew them.

    So, what's the problem? I like to wear vests when I am kilted but also when I am not. As my kilts are all at the natural waist and my trousers are all at the navel, there is a discrepancy as to the best length. If they are long enough to wear with trousers, they hang too low and interfere with the sporran. The easy answer is to make some one length and the the rest another length. However, these materials will go well with both wardrobes and I would love to be able to wear all six with either kilts or trousers. Does anyone have a pattern that allows for a turn up on a longer vest?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th February 11
    London, Canada
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    No pattern that way, but wearing braces (suspenders) with trousers (under the vest) seems to solve the problem for me. I'm waiting for my next vest to confirm that experience, but it works with the two I have so far.

    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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