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  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th August 13
    Vancouver, Washington
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    Success at last!!

    I, an unwitting victim, purchased a kilt outfit in July of last year at our local Highland Games. I received part of the items but others had to be ordered. Months went by and more months. Multiple emails (no answer), multiple phone messages (no reply). Finally, somehow, in late January I finally got through and vented (almost politely) to the vendor about not getting my items. A few days later I received all the missing items except the belt. Again multiple emails and phone calls. Finally, just over two weeks ago I emailed that it was my last email to him and he had one week to ship my belt to me or I would contact my card company. No response. Last week I notified my card company and lo and behold, this week I got my belt! The ironic thing is that I have been trying to lose weight and the belt just barely works at it's tightest fitting. I think I can add some velcro, though, and make it more useful. Wish I had found XMarks sooner!
    Studies have shown that women who gain a few pounds live longer than men who mention it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    15th March 12
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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    Congratulations on your persistence! It clearly paid off.
    St. Andrew's Society of Toronto


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