Just a thought... why not simply wait a couple of weeks and buy the genuine article once you get to Ireland? Sure, they won't be as common as Hurley Sticks, but you should be able to find one.
You should also check out the Annual Scotland v. Ireland Hurling/Shinty Matches. Great fun. Dates and details here: http://www.shinty.com/news/shintys-key-dates-in-2014/
This link may be useful. http://www.dcrsports.co.uk/brands/Shinty-Shop.html
The Ferry from NI to Scotland is a snap. Long weekend trips are easy. Details here: http://www.directferries.co.uk/ferries_from_scotland_to_northern_ireland.htm
Good luck with your move. You'll love the experience.
"I seek not to follow in the footsteps of the men of old.
I seek the things they sought." ~ Basho