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  1. #1
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    Question Wedding kilt and accessories.

    What would be the correct tartan and accessories while prociding over my daughters wedding?

    Her wedding colors are going to be red, white and black.

    I was thinking of a simple black kilt, but clan tartan is a possibility.
    How much silver would be in good taste?

    New to this. Any help is needed.

    Member of Clan Hunter USA,
    Maternal - Hunter, Paternal - Scott (borderlands)
    Newly certified Minister.
    If you cannot fix it, mess it up so bad that no one else can either.

  2. #2
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    That's easy....one of the Scott tartans cousin.
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  3. #3
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    You don't "choose" a tartan generally. It's your nametag and you don't get up in the morning and decide what you want to be called today. Scots just wear their tartan because it says who they are.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  5. #4
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    If the wedding dress code is lounge or business suits, then little or no silver would be worn, apart from the kilt pin and perhaps a belt buckle. If the dress code is morning dress, then an Argyll jacket with silver buttons would be appropriate and a dress sporran with silver cantle could be worn. If it's an evening wedding then full evening dress may be appropriate with all the silver!

    ... and wear a clan tartan.
    It's coming yet for a' that,
    That Man to Man, the world o'er,
    Shall brothers be for a' that. - RB

  6. #5
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    Our Pastor wears a black robe when presiding over weddings. His rational is this-"it looks ceremonial while at the same time providing a backdrop for the couple being married (especially in pictures)." I might recommend a dark tartan, or black kilt. As for the silver, nothing too crazy that might take attention away from the bride and groom. Whatever is appropriate for formal/semi-formal wear.
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  7. #6
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    your choice

    As the officiant, it is your choice. As the father, you want to do it her way; I would resist this. Not to try to cross her,
    but to be in line with your position. Regardless the nature of your training or the names of the paths of those involved,
    the bride's position is one of romance, fantasy, dreams, commitment, terror, hopes, ...., and on and on. You represent
    the gravity of the situation and the tradition. You stand outside the changing fashions and transient trends in how to do
    weddings. You stand up for the Divine, as witness for the Divine, and for the commitment made on this day. Not to say
    she shouldn't get the wedding she wants the way she wants it; just that both as her father and her officiant you represent
    wise counsel and dignity. The pictures will last a long time, better well considered than long regretted.

    Your family tartan is appropriate, as is clergy tartan. As is a plain black or navy suit, which is all I've ever worn in that
    circumstance. For me the same suit for marrying or burying. If asked to wear tartan, I probably would wear clergy. I
    would not alter my choice based on bridal colors, though if final color choice fit fits with your family tartan, .

    You asked about clergy tartan in another thread; I recommend this: http://www.albanach.org/articles.html#.
    Last edited by tripleblessed; 19th June 14 at 02:51 AM.

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  9. #7
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    My tradition is Presbyterian. For weddings I always gown; and would never consider wearing a kilt unless specifically asked to do so by the couple; and even then, it would probably be under my gown. That is my answer.

    You are in one of the rare and awkward positions, as both pastor and parent. Respectfully, I would suggest which role you choose to fulfil on that day will make your decisions for you. I believe tripleblessed was hinting at this. (My apologies to tripleblessed if I am dragging him under the bus with me.) It is, however, hard to do both. My father-in-law is also a retired clergy. He did perform the marriage of his son but he did not preside over the marriage for any of his daughters, because he was the father-of-the-bride. It is hard for the father to present the bride to the minister for marriage when he is both, and I think he was pleased to be the father-of-the-bride for a day. As clergy, we have many friends who I'm sure would be more than willing to share in our family happiness for a day. (If my daughter came home tomorrow and said she was engaged I know exactly who I would invite to do the service). These are just my reflections and experience that I pass on for what it's worth.

    On a happier note, congratulations to your daughter and her fiancé. I'm sure whatever sartorial choice you make, they will have a lovely day.

  10. #8
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    I'm not a minister or a father, but I have been to more weddings than any normal person will attend in probably a dozen lifetimes.

    From a strictly aesthetic point of view, I think a black kilt would be fabulous. At the weddings I shoot, if the officiant is a man and it's not in a church, it's usually a dark or black suit. If you wanted to bring in a bit of wedding color it would be easy. I generally wear a black kilt and vest, with a jewel tone shirt and funky tie of some sort.

    If you do decide to wear tartan, don't try to match it with the wedding colors. Pick the one you like and wear it like you own it. I'm sure you'll have a boutonieere for pulling in wedding color, so you can call it good at that. As far as bling, I wouldn't be inclined towards more than a kilt pin if it were me.

    I've been to a several weddings where the officiant was the father of either the bride or the groom, and it's completely awesome. Also, don't worry about outshining or taking attention away from the bride and groom. Ain't gonna happen. I've seen more than a few red dresses in my time but seriously, everyone is too busy looking at the bride to care.

  11. #9
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    Good gracious man! Wear YOUR tartan and to the devil with all that wedding colours caper. That's for the girls and general decor, not your kilt!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  12. The Following 13 Users say 'Aye' to Jock Scot For This Useful Post:

  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Good gracious man! Wear YOUR tartan and to the devil with all that wedding colours caper. That's for the girls and general decor, not your kilt!
    My thought was to wear the Hunter tartan. Muted colors. Wedding band, buckle and kilt pin in silver. The rest in black with a red flower. But the clergy tartan is a nice touch as well.
    Many blessings to all for your input.
    Father Bill, thank you for putting me straight. Only time I wear a robe is on Sabbats and funerals.
    Member of Clan Hunter USA,
    Maternal - Hunter, Paternal - Scott (borderlands)
    Newly certified Minister.
    If you cannot fix it, mess it up so bad that no one else can either.

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