Are there any fellow Xmarkers who will be attending this years Indianapolis Games? It is this Saturday (10/11/14) at German Park.
Mike Allen Order of the White Garter Order of the Dandelion Tewks tank owner
God willing and the crick don't rise we 'un's be thar !
If I weren't tied to the "Ole Miss" games, I'd love to join you folks. Give my regards and regrets to all who come.
I will be there .
Mike Montgomery Clan Montgomery Society , International
Will the two mikes be wearing dandelions ?
I will be wearing the dandelion and I'm guessing the other Mike will be as well . We should be easy to spot ... we will be the ones in kilts .
Ok thanks. Will be looking for two guys in kilts
i was happy to meet the two Mikes from Indiana. It was a great day in Hoosier Land !
Last edited by rebelrouser; 11th October 14 at 03:34 PM.
Hawk,MacGumerait,Mike_Oettle,Sample m
Rebelrouser , great pics . It was indeed a pleasure to meet you and your lovely wife , I very much enjoyed our time visiting .
We did too ! Thanks a bunch
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