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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st July 14
    Burien Washington USA
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    A Highland glen in Washington state

    This view of the Napeequa valley in the Glacier Peak wilderness area is one of my favorites in the Cascade mountains. The deep glacier gouged valley has always reminded me of the Scottish highlands. It`s been quite a while since I stood where this shot was taken, but my photographer friend recently made the trip to Little Giant pass on a perfect Autumn day. The valley floor runs about 4300 ft. The peaks are all above 8000. In the distance can be seen the icy bulk of Glacier Peak, a 10,500 ft. volcano that is sleeping peacefully for the time being. There is a lot of world class scenery in the Cascades, but you usually have to work for it. This view is attained by a hike of 4200 ft. elevation gain in 4.5 miles on an old sheepherders trail. Typical. The photographer recently turned 70, and is obviously still going strong.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    14th December 06
    Manassas, Commonwealth of Virginia
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    Thanks for sharing the scenic photograph, Dughlas Mor! I fell in love with the Pacific Northwest when I was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington in 1981. I always wanted to retire there, but didn't.
    Mark Anthony Henderson
    Virtus et Victoria - Virtue and Victory
    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams

  4. The Following User Says 'Aye' to MacEanruig For This Useful Post:

  5. #3
    Join Date
    21st September 10
    Klamath Falls, Oregon
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    All the really great views seem to require that you expend some effort!


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