For the US folks..Memorial Day
De Oppresso Liber
The Following 17 Users say 'Aye' to Reiver For This Useful Post:
ASinclair,Dughlas mor,dutchy kilted,Gibtron,Hawk,James Hood,Jim Simmons,KiltedDixon,MacGumerait,MacKenzie,quincy2,Rick Y,sailortats,Sample m,SeumasA,tundramanq,unixken
Thank you for a very touching photo.
Monday I'm going to the marble orchard to visit my father and grandfather, both served in their day, both made it home from their respective wars
"Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"
Wonderful and, as Dughlas Mor said, thank you. What I will say should not be interpreted as "snark". It is a simple but hopefully poignant observation: Of all the symbology surrounding this time, this specific image there's not a dollar sign to be found. Brilliant! Well done.
To absolutely everyone whom has made a contribution in some way, I say Slainte Mhath.
To the departed, I say The road has met you, the wind is ever at your back:
Scots / Irish
George Methven - Royal Navy Boer Era (Injured, Survived)
John Robertson - Seaforth Highlanders, 1st BN; Turkey & Mesopotamia (Survived)
Alexander Robertson - RAMC, Battle of the Somme (KIA 21 AUG '16)
Omer L. Morgan-Lank(g)ford US Army @ Alsace Lorraine (Gassed, Survived)
Francis McInally - Highland Light Infantry, 1st BN; Germany & Palestine (Survived)
Morris Clifton Morgan-Lank(g)ford - US Army @ ? / WWII (Survived)
William "Billy" Rendall - USAAF @ Germany & France (shot down: B-26 The Mama'Liz, captured, escaped, Survived)
Donald Keller - USAAF @ Japan (Played Baseball for the USAAF and The NY Yankees Tour)
Ryan M. Liddell
Last edited by Domehead; 23rd May 15 at 10:39 AM.
Went the day well?
We died and never knew.
But, well or ill,
Freedom, we died for you.
John Maxwell Edmonds
The Following 5 Users say 'Aye' to Jim Simmons For This Useful Post:
Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot
Eastern Region Vice President
North Carolina Commissioner
Clan Sinclair Association (USA)
The Following 6 Users say 'Aye' to ASinclair For This Useful Post:
Memorial Day here in the U.S. is a time of remembrance , respect and reverence .
The link below expresses my sentiment and respect for all those who have given their lives to preserve freedom for all people .
Mike Montgomery
Clan Montgomery Society , International
The Following 6 Users say 'Aye' to MacGumerait For This Useful Post:
On Memorial Day 2012 I attended the funeral of a fallen Buchanan Clansman at Arlington National Cemetery. He was killed in action in the Middle East. It was an experience I shall never forget.

President, Clan Buchanan Society International
The Following 7 Users say 'Aye' to ctbuchanan For This Useful Post:
On the left shoulder of the Soldiers in the photo above is this. (Minus the Spearhead patch) I received mine the week after graduating NCO Academy in 1977. I volunteered two weeks for every duty required in donning this patch (including funerals.) I proudly wear this to any event that warrants my paying respect to veterans. Too many times, I'm saying goodbye to friends.
The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to Tarheel For This Useful Post:
25th May 15, 02:40 PM
I piped at the entrance to a local cemetery as people arrived for the ceremony this morning. It was nice. People in our little town love their vets, and there was a nice turnout with the VFW and American Legion.
So many flags on so many graves. It's humbling.
The Following 6 Users say 'Aye' to 416 Rigby For This Useful Post:
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