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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th October 08
    Sarasota, FL
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    Sporran taxidermy help...

    Hey all. It's been a long while since I've been around, and I'm pleased to see this community still thriving!

    I recently obtained a badger-mask sporran from a friend in Edinburgh... estimated from the 40s or 50s. The eyes are gone and I'd like to get it fixed up.

    I'll post pics later, but I'd be curious of anyone knows who may be able to help out?

    Thanks for any replies.


    Last edited by Derek Conley; 29th December 16 at 02:26 PM. Reason: Photos...
    "A true adventurer goes forth, aimless and uncalculating, to meet and greet unknown fate." ~ Domino Harvey ~
    ~ We Honor Our Fallen ~

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Highlands of Eastern Oregon
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    Face Sporran

    Greetings Derek,

    As animal face sporrans are acceptable for the most formal wear, l found your badger sporran a fitting project. While I do not have a face sporran at this time I would be interested in what assistance you seek and suggestions offered by the others following this thread. I do have access to a skunk hat with permission to convert it to a sporran. I have held off until I understand better how to "make the cut."

    Would it be possible for you to post a few photos of the construction of yours as it is now?

    I am hopeful the information we each seek will be forthcoming. Folks on this site are generous with their knowledge.

    Best regards,

    Clans Fraser and Gibbs, House of Stewart

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Back in the day, and up to in my memory as a child in the 70's taxidermy eyes were glass, and you got a pair of them, with a wire joining the pair. This dates back to the days of paper mache or excelsior forms. Today most taxidermy eyes are not glass, and they are held in the form by some form of glue or even modeling clay prior to putting the hide over the form.

    So finding actual badger eyes, on a wire that will allow attachment is going to be an issue.

    Here are some NOS glass eyes on wires, but not the yellow that many associate with badgers.


    If this does not fit what you are looking for, at least you have an idea of what you need to look for.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Cheers for the replies.

    I'm happy to send this to someone to fix and of course pay them for their work.
    "A true adventurer goes forth, aimless and uncalculating, to meet and greet unknown fate." ~ Domino Harvey ~
    ~ We Honor Our Fallen ~


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