27th September 04, 08:58 AM
Kilts and Coats
Just a question.
Not exactly a fashion question, but I guess it leans that way.
Winter time. Cold weather. Rain and snow.
What sort of jacket do you wear with your kilts?
I have a thick armored leather bikers jacket, from long ago, from another life it seems. Not quite your typical motorcycle jacket. Weighs about 35 pounds. Black leather. It's custom fitted for me and it looks like it would hang to right about wear a kilt would sit. I figure this would look good. It is because of this jacket that I am still alive and have skin. Ever hit a wet leaf or some gravel or something on a twisty S turn the wrong way and wipe out at 100+ mph? Ow. Don't want to think to much about that, other then thank God for armored leather and skid lids. Always wear a helmet!!
And there is my duster. I wonder, how would a duster look with a kilt? It's black, and hangs down to my ankles. Would keep kilt warm, dry, and snug. Me as well. But would it look right? Would I look funny wearing a kilt and a duster? (a kind of trench coat for those in other parts of the world that don't know)
Thinking a lot about winter. Yes, I live in the South, but, I live in the Mountains of the South. (Foothills actually) Weather does get a bit mean here at times. Pondering my options.
27th September 04, 09:02 AM
Both the cycle jacket and duster should work fine according to the weather at any given time. IMO, leather jackets look great with a kilt.
27th September 04, 09:05 AM
I don't see a problem with a duster, since it is a type of overcoat. Thompson recommends that one wear a trenchcoat with a kilt if you do not have an Inverness Cape, a traditional outer garment for a kilt.
I wear my "barn coat" from Woolrich (L.L. Bean makes a nice one as well) on occasion with my kilt, and my best friend wears his Barbour wax jacket with his. Very much the country gentleman look.
27th September 04, 02:56 PM
My motorcycle jackets work great with the kilt, especially since a lot of motorcycle jackets have a vaugely militaristic look to them. I would think a duster might look okay too, especially the style of duster that has the "mantle" over the shoulders, because it is reminiscent of the Inverness cape.
Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati
27th September 04, 04:58 PM
I primarly did the sweater thing. The Dallas area doesn't get too much wet weather in the winter so this works well for me. I have been researching the Inverness Cape thing but I haven't made up my mind on this yet.
I did have one funny thing happen last year. It was raining and I needed something so I grabbed an old duster (cowboy style) I had from many years ago. We walked into a BBQ place we occassionally go to. I took off the duster in a kilt and you would have thought the aliens had invaded! I did get some funny looks from some of the patrons...some of them had dusters also BUT blue jeans and boots to go with them.
I plan to stick with the sweaters this year whenever possible.
27th September 04, 05:56 PM
Mine has the rain gusset. (Mantle) Also has a wool collar that buttons on and a wool and silk lining that zips into the duster. Have worn it in sub zero weather and stayed toasty, even my legs. Hangs down to my ankles so it would completely hide the kilt from the viewing public. Have worn it while it was raining sideways and stayed bone dry. At least all the parts under the coat.
The leather jacket has zippers and chains all over it. Zippered pockets. 8th of an inch thick leather. Has an "oh crap!" chain hanging off of the back from shoulder to shoulder so a passenger can grab onto something should something happen.
I am thinking the leather jacket would look punk as **** with a kilt, still not so sure about the duster. I reckon it would look ok.
27th September 04, 06:01 PM
I have a couple of leather jackets too,looks ok with the kilt.
I also have a aussie duster, never tryed it with a kilt.may be worth a try.
27th September 04, 06:13 PM
As I was reading your description of the jacket, I thought: that would look punk as ****!
Apparently, you thought so, too. In the exact same words, unless your asterisks don't mean what my asterisks mean.
If this trend continues, I expect you'll hear a lot of comments telling you that you look "punk as four asterisks".
[because asterisks stick it to the man, man]
28th September 04, 03:47 AM
28th September 04, 03:58 AM
Now theres a sharp looking lad. I too use a 3/4 Barbour jacket.
Although I have the extra snap in linning for the winter. It does get a lttle stiff if we go below -10 C which is often here.
I love the length of the one in the picture.
Try this link for the real McCoy
All the best David
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