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  1. #1
    Join Date
    20th September 10
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
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    Culloden Sporran Cantle Dimesions

    Hello all,
    I wonder if anyone out there who owns one, could share some the dimensions off of their Culloden Cantle.
    Culloden Sporran.jpg
    I'm looking for the width of the front band (a) and the overall width of the arch (b).
    I've collected dozens of images and can easily extrapolate the remainder. I just need these two to get me going.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I own two, a Mk2 and a Mk4. I'll check both to see if there was a change over time.

    As an aside, the term 'Culloden Cantle' seems to be a fairly recent misattribution by re-enactors based on a different style of 18th century brass cantle that was sold as auction as a sporran worn at Culloden. It's not uncommon to see these also referred to, again quite incorrectly, as Jacobite sporrans. The MOD never referred to them as either.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks very much,
    Not sure how best to refer to them then… I understand they were issued for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, but online searches for “Coronation Sporran” proved less fruitful than Culloden. I’ve also seen a number of them advertised as MOD Sporrans, but doesn’t any Army issued sporran qualify as an MOD sporran?

    I’ll put it out there to the group; what’s the consensus?

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