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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th March 22
    Treasure Coast Florida
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    Reworking Makenzie old colors kilt

    I am adding a stabilizer and hair canvas in my Makenzie old colors kilt. 13 oz wool. I am looking to resize it a bit as well...
    The outer apron has a waist length of 25 inches, and a pleated section measurement of 21 inches,

    Here it gets a little interesting, the red stripe (old colors) is 1.5 inches from the pleat on the left side of the outer apron, and about 3.75 inches from the stitch line holding the double fringe on the right side (measuring along the waist)

    Right fringe side
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1000001021.jpg 
Views:	5 
Size:	240.4 KB 
ID:	43222

    Left apron to pleat seam
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1000001020.jpg 
Views:	4 
Size:	286.5 KB 
ID:	43223

    According to the AoK book appendix B, split #28 (fairly close to what I am heading for as I am losing belly) apron should be about 22 inches or so which would come very close to centering the dominant red stripe.

    Am I missing something here?
    Should I fold the approx 2.5 inches of fabric into the right side edge of the apron underneath, or trim it out?

    I will be adjusting buckles and straps as well.

    Thanks for your input in advance!

    Is the hair canvas lower edge supposed to be stitched to the apron tartan fabric?
    I know the upper edge and the ends are, but I am unclear about the bottom edge.
    Last edited by Kitfoxdave; 23rd January 24 at 02:10 PM. Reason: Added question about lower edge of hair canvas


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