Quote Originally Posted by o1d_dude View Post
Alan, did you see Gary John (Dan's older brother) at the meet?

He said he was throwing again following hip replacement surgery and the LG All Comers is one of his favorites.
I didn't see him, but then I didn't make it over the hill to Shaffer Field at 10 AM, and Gary likes to throw hammer, so I suspect he probably stayed at Shaffer to notch his discus and shotput marks. We don't throw hammer at LG, they don't have a cage for it.

Back to the beginning of the SEAN BETZ SELF IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM...Squat Day

Stretch Cage
foam roller...better than I thought it was going to be.

Back Squat .... 8 x 90 / 6 x 136 / 4 x 225 / 2 x 275 / 4 x 1 x 295....definitely a multi-rep PR there, not that I track these things. I probably took 2-3 minutes between each of the last 4.

lunges, regular ones (blew off the bosu) .... 2 x 20 steps w/90 pounds .... harder than I thought they were gonna be. Butt feels it
Core 1 .... Russian Twists on incline board, 12 pound med ball...4 x 10

and then, just for giggles... sprint phase cable pulls ... 2 x 10 x 40 lbs.