It's pretty much exactly what the title says. I participated in a clinical trial at Emory University and they paid me for it. I plan on using it ($50) to get a new SWK Black Watch Economy. I had actually planned this from the start. So essentially I sold my body (temporarily) for the sake of science, all to get a new kilt. For the record, i'll probably be doing it again.

So, for those of you interested, here's the details. I was part of a study that was testing analytical software for MRIs that is currently in use on adults but not FDA approved on children. I was simply a control subject in the test. I had an hour long MRI where they took both pictures and movies of my heart. There were some where I had to hold my breath out but otherwise it was a relaxing but somewhat loud experience. The doctors doing the study said they would email me photos and maybe even one of the movies here eventually.

Let the Jonesing begin!!!
