So, a few months before I bought my kilt I brought it up with my girlfriend, testing the waters, she told me that she liked the idea of me in a kilt and thought it would look sexy on me. I bought the kilt and while I absolutely loving wearing it around, she seemed a little put off, granted we live in a rather conservative closed minded area. I've worn it out and about while the two of us run around and I've gotten the usual stares from people but we met up with a friend of hers recently and she would not stop calling it a skirt and making woman/crossdresser jokes. I've gotten used to having the kilt referred to as a skirt by the local bumpkins, it doesn't really bother me.
Last night we were talking on the phone and she decided to come out and say that she hates the kilt and wishes I wouldn't wear it, or if I insisted on wearing it that I reserve it for special occasions (it's a black casual AK). I was at a loss for words at that considering our last conversation about me being kilted. I'm not too terribly sure how to address the situation, she's contradicted herself and I'm left confused.
Has anyone else dealt with a problem like this? What do ya think I should do?