she passed away at 07:45 today.......myself, my father , brother and sister saw her away......
the battles over.....she's at peace.......
to paraphrase Craig Ferguson
"My heart is broken .........My Mom is dead"
I refused to be one of those grieving family members that will hold onto someone even though they are in pain and make them stay just to satisfy ME! .....
so I can say I spent as much time with them " at the end " as possible and not feel guilty.......
I wish her a GRAND send off!!
she's about to go on a great journey!!!
and before you speak of a heaven......and trumpets....and a blazing light
think of this... my mind is about to join the otherworld....fore told in the celtic traditon......
she's going to start a new life full of its own adventures...good, and bad! she will love that life as she has loved this one........if not more!!
I will grieve for my loss of her, but at the same time I will be happy for she will be without pain, and living her life anew.....I just hope she will remember me when she sees me.......when my time comes.
to anyone who tries to tell me of the christian afterlife......heaven.......Hell ........there is no such thing...just the next adventure....I mean no disrespect but these are my beliefs
she lived her life well .....that will secure her a better place in the otherworld!
may the swift sure hand guide her!
she loved her family and friends.......that will secure her a better place in the otherworld
may the swift sure hand love her!
she did right by herself, and did right by others.....that will secure her a better place in the otherworld!
may the swift sure hand hold her!!!
so it is it shall be........
My only regret is that we had some music on that is piped in thru the TV was "light Rock" and as she was going the song " dont want to lose you now " came on and I couldnt help but laugh....but it was a nervous laugh...that turned into a sob .....I changed it to the "acustic" station faster than a free kilt offer lasts on this board!!
I know my family doesnt hold it against me that I laughed..... my brother almost did too .....and I KNOW my Mom would have I dont feel TOO bad ..but at the same time..... you know what I mean .....