I'm going to buy a traditional Scottish outfit( kilt, PC jacket, fly plaid, the shoes and the whole package) and I was wondering what is the best shop to buy that from? I'm kinda thinking of http://www.scotweb.co.uk/ but thats really the only thing I've found. I want the kilt to be 100% wool, I thougt that if I was going to buy this, it would be the best just the buy the real thing and the rest aswell, the jacket wool also and the plaid. It just doesn't have the same feeling wearing a PV kilt perhaps, it looks alike wool and I dont think that my friends or family can see the difference but I know better, I know it's not the real thing. And also the sporran. I bought a sporran in Edinburgh in a typical tourist shop. The strap chain is all rusty and the leather is very bad (Pakistani made probably). If you know a place witch sells an authentic Scottish outfit, please let me know they're website.

P.S: I'm thinking of this as a formal wear( I will buy a PV kilt for everyday use aswell and I already found that)

Thanks in advance, Gunnar