Quote Originally Posted by Matty Ross View Post
I joined the Ross Clan Society of America several years back. I maintained membership for some time. Things got a little tight financially and I let my membership lapse. I recently looked into joining again. So now I ask myself what does $25.00 a year get me that I don't already have? A newsletter and a name tag to wear at the Highland games. I spent my money on a new Thrifty kilt instead. I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS. I am just not a member of the local society anymore.
Did you volunteer to help man a society tent at the local highland games? Write an article for the newsletter? Run for office?

You only get out of an organization what you put into it, Matty. As an officer in a clan society, I hear this kind of comment a lot, and I always respond: "What will you do to help then?"

