The pipe band for which my son plays, the Montreat Pipes and Drums (Montreat, NC), has a drummer that has exceeded the dimensions of the band's largest kilt. I've been asked to make a new kilt for him, and have accepted the challenge.

This will be my first "real" tank. I've made about 20 kilts so far, mostly casual hiking kilts, but I have made two box-pleats in 16 oz. wool, so this is not my first outing with premium cloth. It is the first time, however, that I will be hand sewing a kilt start-to-finish following the directions in Barb's book. I have to have this done by the Grandfather Mountain Games in early July, so I'll be getting down to business as soon as I get the gentleman measured up.

Here are a few shots of the tartan. First...happiness is a bolt of premium 16-ounce wool!

Next is a shot of the sett. This is the front apron of my son's kilt.

Finally, a pleat shot of my son's kilt. His kilt has a 32 inch waist and 34 pleats. The one I'll be making will have at least a 46 inch waist, so the pleat count will certainly be in the 40's. The pipe major insists that the kilt be identical to all the others, so I can't fudge and make wider pleats.

I've noticed a couple of interesting issues with the existing band kilts: First, the rise is not flared correctly...the waistband is the narrowest part of the kilt, which is an error I will not be replicating. Secondly, the kiltmaker glued, yes, I said GLUED, the pleats down with some sort of fabric adhesive. I'm guessing that they were glued, then pressed, then sewed. Yikes. I have no idea how widespread this practice is, but I suppose it would speed up the process if you were in the business of mass-production. The maker of these kilts was in Dublin, Ireland, and I don't know his/their name.

So wish me luck. I'll definitely post some "after" shots when the time comes.

And I guess I wanted to brag just a bit. I'm not charging the band a cent for making this kilt...I'm taking 4 yards of fabric instead, and turning that into a box-pleat for myself!