Hey there,

I am new here just signed up this morning though have been posting in some time. I am throwing this out there as I do not know if any of you have experience with it.

I currently have an order an 8 yard in 16oz Lochcarron Strome. Also i am disabled. Of course from what I gather I have gone for what is basically a full out traditional dress kilt, and I knew this. Thing is my hips basically rotate when I walk. No based on the way kilts fit, it wouldn't be uncomfortable to wear, I'm more worried about the hang (which is why I got 16 oz)

Any thoughts?

Oh and people, you can talk freely about the disability thing, i am not sensitive... I actually have no calves and I asked a guy at work about it because you know usually the idea of guys wearing kilts is they have these huge harry legs and that is the way you know? Anywho, he said "With your wicked strut, calves or not, if you got the balls the wear it, no one will tell you differently" ....I thought that was pretty funny :P
