I don't suppose Samuel Taylor Coleridge was idly waiting for the water company to come to his house when he wrote his Rime though. Don't suppose they had running water back then...

Well, here I sit -- waiting for someone to come fix the broken water main outside my house. I doubt yesterday's typhoon had anything to do with it but with all of Japan's earthquakes, something's bound to get shaken loose sooner or later.

I was just leaving my house, heading off to work when I noticed the water coming up out of the ground through cracks in the concrete. At first I thought my wife had left the garden hose running, but as I came closer I realized I had no such luck. When I removed a nearby concrete storm drain cover, it hit me that it was about to become a very long day... Hope the repair crew bring their pick axes.

So here I sit, writing stream of consciousness drivel on the Off Topics forum as I wait for someone to bandage up my hemorrhaging house! Guess that's life huh? At least my boss was understanding when I called him with an indeterminate arrival time for work today. At this point I think I may as well change out of my shirt and tie into something more comfortable.

Well, since I'm sitting here bored, does anyone else have any interesting tales of home repair? Maybe a clogged toilet that exploded or something a bit more cool than this?