Wow, are we to the point that not eating one item on the menu is insulting. I never knew that a burns supper was about haggis. I thought it was about the memory of the Man and his works. Were there no other "traditional" Scottish dishes on the menu? Are there not even Scots that don't like haggis. It seems that Kilts are very often worn to the suppers but since when are they mandated by ettiquette.

I grew up in the South with all manner of "Southern" food and I still refuse to eat organs. Is that an insult to the hertage of the south of by passing up on hurling from eating something i think is absolutly disgusting. It's not about having testicular fortitude, Manning up, or any other macho rubbish. If you like to try new things i applaud you. If you are content with your range of current dishes, I applaud you. Nothing insulting about stating beforehand that he won't be trying any. It's not a measure of my open mindedness, or my "maturity", it's my choice as an adult what I'll eat or not eat.