More than 145K for an acre? No one ever said the Scots were dumb.

At least these plots are big enough to make a landing strip for the Saltire.

As for not being sold out from under you, that is a buyer beware issue, dependent entirely on the scruples of the main estate owners. There is a cemetery not to far from my home that was investigate for reselling the same plots for years. So I can see many different foreigners finding out one day that they had all bought the same square foot of land. At least that would be better than finding out that the whole pasture had been sold for a skyscraper, and you now owned a bit of the basement.

However I do have a mostly serious question, does the number before Laird, as in the 1st Laird of such and such, have to do with a generation or merely a number of how many there are? Are new buyers going to be happy with titles like 407th Laird of somewhere?