Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
Yes, it is wrong if a nation that pretends to be a friend to liberty is in the business of telling a peaceful person how to live his own life, or trying to make him fit a certain mold. That's not liberty.

The idea of keeping a nation culturally pure, racially pure, religiously pure, or any other kind of purity that's based on exclusivity, is an obsolete one that should conjure unpleasant memories of the past where they have been tried. The only way to truly enforce such 'purity' is through bloodshed.

Forced multiculturalism through law is abhorrent, but forced monoculturalism is just as bad. I can understand the desire for a culture to want to maintain its identity and traditions, and I even support that idea. But not when it takes a negative tone by actively denying the culture of others.

After all, would any of us want to be told that we cannot wear kilts because they don't fit in with mainstream culture wherever we happen to be? Or would we rather enjoy the liberty of proudly wearing the garb and accoutrements of our heritage?

We of Scots descent, of all people, should understand the idea of liberty and cultural tolerance.

With all due respect, friend, you are confusing English Canada with Quebec. Quebec never signed the 1982 Bill of Rights that essentially defined Canada as being a multi-cultural land of freedoms. That makes Quebec no different than France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Japan et al in saying "this is who we are and you accept that if you choose to live here"

As I said earlier, I believe in personal and religious freedoms and do agree with multiculturalism. However, I also agree that any individual culture reserves the right to decide if they wish to maintain this culture.

Cultural respect goes both ways. Sometimes people forget that. Multiculturalism is not about some cultures doing their own thing and expecting others to cave in to that. Its about 2 or more differing cultures taking the best of each and creating something bigger while still maintaining the original cultures.