To all:

Over the past weeks members in the Traditional and Modern sub-forums have been discussing how those two forums are defined or described, and have asked that changes by made. Staff has listened very carefully to what has been said and has developed a set of descriptors to present to you. We apologise for the delay, but we have had to wedge this discussion into an already heavy work-load.

There are a number of things to consider. One is that we are not able to further fracture the forum by adding more sub-forums; it is necessary to work with what we have. It is also necessary that all three sub-forums have a common base that makes sense and is easily understood by old-timer and newbie alike. Further, the three need to have equal rights because XMarks is a kilt forum without bias to any one of the three.

And, of course, it was necessary for us to attempt to address the issues you have brought forth. We invite you to comment as you see fit. The Owner and Moderators will try to refrain from active participation but you may be assured that we are monitoring the discussion and after a while will begin again our own conversations considering what you have told us.

In developing these descriptors we used the following definitions in common use today:

Historic(al): used in the past.
Classic(al): the established model or standard.
Tradition(al): passed down within a society, still maintained in the present, with origins in the past.
Non-Tradition(al): not bound by established ways, beliefs or styles.

Best wishes,
ThistleDown (Rex)
for the Staff

Historical Highland Dress. The place for discussion of historical Highland civilian and military apparel and style.

Traditional Highland Dress. The place for discussion of traditional and classic Highland civilian and military apparel and style.

Non-Traditional Kilt Wear. The place for discussion of various alternative fashions, styles and manners of kilt wearing current today.