19th October 07, 12:10 AM
I am a fairly acrobatic guy (can't resist jumping/climbing over things and walking up high on dangerous surfaces only to leap off) so I try to make sure my underwear color matches my kilt as best I can, so if someone does get a peak, they won't even know it. It actually lead a normally shy and reserved girl to ask the question when I jumped down from a ledge and my black kilt blew up and she couldn't tell what I was wearing.
And I am definitely aware of the possibility of some little kid running around and looking up at the wrong moment. Particularly at church, where there's tons of the little rug rats running all over the place.
I've often wondered what crazy things I could convert into some form of underwear just to have a fun surprise for anyone who looks.
20th October 07, 05:31 AM
 Originally Posted by The F-H.C.A.G.
Funny, Panache hasn't answered this thread. He'll probably kill me for doing so. My advice: wear underwear if there is a strong likelihood that others will be peeking.
I am in so much trouble for revealing my husband's undergarment preference.
Don't worry his secret is safe with us!
20th October 07, 07:47 AM
OK, here is the ultimate camouflage for those who want to be "seen" as regimental without going regimental.
Note, I am purposely posting the link rather than the pic since it is possible someone might be offended, although I promise there is nothing improper about the photo.
So click HERE to view.
20th October 07, 08:04 AM
 Originally Posted by Chef
OK, here is the ultimate camouflage for those who want to be "seen" as regimental without going regimental.
Note, I am purposely posting the link rather than the pic since it is possible someone might be offended, although I promise there is nothing improper about the photo.
So click HERE to view.
I still found that...disturbing.
21st October 07, 06:32 AM
Many thanks for posting the link instead of the picture; that's admirable discretion. This certainly makes clear the distinction between "cover" and "conceal". I suspect that most American judges would consider that picture indecent exposure.
I note the thigh pads and hope no one uses those shorts as outer biking shorts.
"No man is genuinely happy, married, who has to drink worse whiskey than he used to drink when he was single." ---- H. L. Mencken
21st October 07, 09:47 AM
In case anyone didn't notice the print on the shorts is a pic of Michelangelo's David. Granted not all of him.
Ian, I think what your referring to as thigh pads is just the area that would normally show up as just shadow on the statue were the lad to stand up properly.
While the pic is a bit disturbing it may have some validity. I once had a fellow tell me he thought it took, "a guy with a set of marble ones, to wear a kilt"
21st October 07, 03:37 PM
 Originally Posted by Riverkilt
In gentle Portland, Oregon???
Boy that town sure has changed since I left in 1966....
Hey Ron
Portland is still gentle in the general sense, it's just that I live along SE 82nd avenue.
I don't know if it was as rough back in '66 as it is now, but for as long as I can remember it has been well known as an area of ill repute.
This was more an issue of a certain age/gender demographic than it is a location
It's been said that you should wear the kilt for yourself and nobody else and that's exactly what I do, despite the threatening behavior exhibited by some of the young punks on the block.
I refuse to allow the actions of others determine what clothing I wear.......For a group of late teen/early 20's guys, harassing someone does something to boost their low self confidence, it's so funny to see them when their bluff is called and they suddenly are only joking and just want to be friends.....
I suggest that anyone who encounters someone who has a disproportionate amount of anger towards your kilt, just tell them that if they don't like it, then come and get it.
I forget which clan has "hold fast" on their clan crest, but I think it fits perfectly
Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick
21st October 07, 09:03 PM
It was weird wearing a kilt for the first time a week ago when I was in wisconsin but people thought it was the coolest thing it really boost my confidence and now I look for any occasion to wear my kilt
His Noble Excellency Ryan the Innocent of Waldenshire under Throcket
Free Your Legs!
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