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  1. #11
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    I think this a common tale for many. I have strictly been a tartan kilt guy and find myself now desiring a solid color kilt. To be exact, a solid color black kilt.
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  2. #12
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    I feel like an outsider in this sense, but my tastes haven't changed much... but as of late, have become more concrete and firm. While I have considered getting something of a 'starter' like a UK in the past, even going as far as to try them on whenever UK was in town for something like Market Days in Chicago... and yes, they're even comfortable... I just didn't like something about them.

    My first was in 2001-ish (was 22 at the time). I had ordered a military regimental in blackwatch with white stripe highlights (pleated to the stripe so it looked REALLY striking in the back with the look), didn't fit. Had a similar one ordered in the next off-the-rack size up, again, blackwatch but with red and yellow stripe highlights. I've worn that one since.

    One thing I've always preferred was dark colors. Now? I'm considering getting myself an all black or a shadow tartan black (like on Stillwater), so a bit further away from even having single highlight colors. You guys may remember from my intro post, I have strong questions about anything not wool... so yes, it makes sense to myself now when I finally say my tastes seem to have become more firm.

    I wonder if this means in 10 years I'll be anything but wool. I hope not. ;)
    Last edited by inkrat; 14th April 08 at 04:36 AM. Reason: typo. ;/

  3. #13
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    While my kilt evolvement hasn't been through the same lanes as yours, I think we all change from day to day.

    After reading your post, one thing that I did promise to do was to put specific instructions in my will as to the disposition of my kilts. I would hate to see them in a yard sale!!! Even if I was only a disembodied phantom spirit looking on from outside.

  4. #14
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    I'm guessing sooner or later we all LUST after wool kilts. I can now remember first seeing wool kilts in a different light. It was a Leatherneck tartan at a Highland Games...it was beautiful the way the pleats and subtle colors played in the light and gentle breeze blowing.

    Of course, if a person's gonna lay out the big bucks for a hand sewn strome kilt it makes sense to have the tartan be something meaningful for that person.

    Gotta be an inevitable progression...happening at different speeds for different folks....but inevitable. Hand sewn wool kilts are just too beautiful not to covet, lust after, scheme to acquire.....and include in our wills.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Of all my non patterned kilts I think the black is the most outstanding, I have an almost 8 yard ( I miscalculated ) peached cotton, and the fabric for a wool one is awaiting my attention.

    The cold weather here is giving me an excuse to continue to wear dark clothes, but I will eventually have to put them away as the temperatures rise.

    I tend to wear black or navy blue with various colours in the Winter and white with various colours in the Summer, and there is usually a period of black with white during the Spring and colour with colour in the Autumn, as long as the seasons turn as they normally do.
    I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
    -- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.

  6. #16
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    I was thinking about something similar the other day Ron.

    I wonder if kilts are another phase in life for some of our members. We have a very unique group and a lot of the members here seem to be people that embrace life as it comes and continually search out new experiences. Is this just one period in their varied lives? Look at all the members that have come into the forum diving head first only to retreat a bit as their taste and experiences with kilts change and mature. It's like everything else in life.

    I know my tastes and phases with kilts has changed in the past 4-5 years. When I bought my first kilt it was just something to try. I than got very caught up in the local kilt scene in Vancouver and like to think that a few of us did our part to promote a kilt night that was dwindling before moving to it's current location. I tried to co ordinate everything to match kilts, to think about how I could work kilts in to my everyday life. I also ordered a new kilt whenever I could afford to.

    Now, my life is not defined by what I wear, but rather the situation defines what I wear. I don't want to wear a kilt to bed or to the gym or swimming or snowboarding. I have perfect clothes for those situations and they work very well.

    I am more comfortable in my kilt wearing now that I don't feel like I have to make a point of it. I don't bring it up in conversation that has nothing to do with kilt wearing, I don't wear it on my sleeve just to see if people will ask about it. I have gotten rid of most of my casual kilts and have only kept one PV kilt to go with my 2 wool kilts. I rotate the wool kilts for weddings, Christmas parties, pub nights, Burns night, etc. I would prefer to just own a few kilts that I can wear in any situation that I may want a kilt for. There are many other kilts or tartans I would love to add, but I simply don't need them.

    I wear a kilt when a where I want and it may not be as often as others and some may look down simply because I don't wear it every day, but that's fine. Kilts are one of many aspects of my personality and not the basis for it.

    That's of course just my experience and my taste. Each of us has a unique approach and that's half the fun.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Well, I started off with a SportKilt, then got a wool heavyweight SWK, then I got an SWK and one 13 oz. and one 16 oz. from Frugal Corner.

    Once I get enough money, I plan on getting a Survival Utilikilt.

    One day, I'll get some hand tailored stuff. A great kilt, a tank, some jackets… *sigh*

    And so my taste in kilts evolves. Of course, as I intend to enter the priesthood, I may need to temper it off a bit (not much money in that line of work). C'est la vie. At least there are a few role models amongst the rabble .

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    one day when i stop growin', I'll own a tank and maybe a jacket. but for now i'm stickin with cheaper stuff like UK.
    Gillmore of Clan Morrison

    "Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    My tastes have evolved also, but ageing is not a big factor -- it's more about learning curve for me. Until you see and wear a kilt design for the first, it's hard to know how a kilt is going to feel and look on you.

    My Stillwater Ireland National (now sold) was one of the nicest looking kilts on me, but I never really liked the feel of it (thick waistband, acrylic wool). I like the feel and practicality of my Utilikilts Mocker, but disliked the stiffness of the material (splayed pleats). I never really liked the look of the neo-trad UK on me. I love the comfort of my Sport Kilts at home, but find its appearance is a little too casual for trips out.

    The perception of scrutiny by others regarding my new choice of attire has also caused me to give increased attention to my appearance, causing me gain new appreciation on what does and does not work for me. Personally I feel I am iterating towards a better understanding of my tastes, rather than those tastes actually evolving.

    Last edited by KiltedPilot; 14th April 08 at 01:14 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick the DSM View Post
    one day when i stop growin', I'll own a tank and maybe a jacket. but for now i'm stickin with cheaper stuff like UK.

    Stop Growing??????

    Where do I sign up for that????

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