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Thread: Scottish Ghost?

  1. #21
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    Poltalloch House

    Yes, this is a true story..., and the funny thing is, my mother who is a Malcolm, told me that her father had been left a mansion in Scotland, but the stipulation was that he had to move there to acquire it. Needless to say, my grandmother wouldn't allow it, so we didn't get it left to us... but supposedly the Malcolms that were there weren't too keen on it going to the family in the states.... my mother is no longer alive to get any more info from.... but my cousin went over there and researched our family back 10 generations or so and sent photos of the mansion and it was the Poltalloch mansion. Very much in disrepair... would need to have major bucks to refurbish. Sad....
    I have yet to visit Duntrune... but when I look at photos of it, I just get this aching feeling in my chest... it is just too awesome. I could just sit there for days and just take it all in....

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Daw View Post
    I saw a doc in which the owners, the Malcolm family, had some flooring stones pulled up at Duntrune and found a skeleton without hands. Coincidentally, when I was in Scotland in 2003, after visiting a burial cist, I stumbled across a vacated mansion at Poltalloch near Kilmartin. The place was without a roof, except for the garage that still had cars parked inside. Talk about eerie!! It was abandoned by the same Malcolm family because of property taxes. Excessive taxes - now that's scary.

  2. #22
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    Duntrune is also the oldest occupied castle in Scotland...

    Quote Originally Posted by jentopia View Post
    Yes, this is a true story..., and the funny thing is, my mother who is a Malcolm, told me that her father had been left a mansion in Scotland, but the stipulation was that he had to move there to acquire it. Needless to say, my grandmother wouldn't allow it, so we didn't get it left to us... but supposedly the Malcolms that were there weren't too keen on it going to the family in the states.... my mother is no longer alive to get any more info from.... but my cousin went over there and researched our family back 10 generations or so and sent photos of the mansion and it was the Poltalloch mansion. Very much in disrepair... would need to have major bucks to refurbish. Sad....
    I have yet to visit Duntrune... but when I look at photos of it, I just get this aching feeling in my chest... it is just too awesome. I could just sit there for days and just take it all in....

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jentopia View Post
    Duntrune is also the oldest occupied castle in Scotland...
    Welcome to XMarks. Please start a new thread if the Newbie section so that everyone can welcome you properly! Also be sure to read the Forum Rules, etc so that they don't sneak up on you.

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