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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroosterB1 View Post
    To be exact, he was fine with saying awe shucks, I was the one who took the ball and ran it into a competely different stadium.......

    "Tis always better to ask for forgivness rather than permission; most times you are assured of the first and denied the latter." Someone whose name I can not recall nor spell.
    No I didn't. Clearly stated that I was looking for the same cultural protection as everyone else. Same stadium- just slightly different line of scrimage. Oh, and... I seldom ask for either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    Nighthawk! You've handled this all wrong.

    You should have said, "I appologize, you are correct. I should not have included that artical of clothing in with the African and Latino cultural clothing I listed."

    Now you have gone and created a new clothing religion that will probably turn against you at some point!
    Story of my life, brother!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  2. #42
    thanmuwa is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post

    The Cross of St Patrick (White Background, Red Diagonal Stripes) which represents Ulster (or Northern Ireland) as part of the united Kingdom.
    The Welsh are currently NOT represented on the flag as they are jointly represented with England
    The National Flag of Northern Ireland IS the Cross of St Patrick

    I'll not go into the history and politics of it all as that isn't appropriate for here but just so you know, that's what it is.
    Couple of additional points (in the interest of correcting errors, no offence intended etc.)
    The Union Flag is the Union Jack when it is flown on a sea-going vessel (apparently a jack is a flag flown from the bowsprit of a vessel, usually to identify nationality) although the phrase is in modern usage for the Union Flag.
    Wales is not represented because it is a Principality, not a Kingdom like the countries that are represented on the flag.
    It is never correct to refer to Northern Ireland as Ulster (or the Province). 1/3 of the province of Ulster is in the Republic of Ireland.

    The Flag of Northern Ireland is the Cross of St George with a star of David (no, I have no idea why either) and a crown, not a cross of St. Patrick.

    Again, no politics intended, just a few factual statements/corrections

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    I said: Part of our culture. Religion and culture often go hand in hand. It is afforded the same protection as other cultural styles. And that was my point. One culture should not be favored over another.
    Careful there, I would hate to have to take a DNA test to see if I was culturally( my bad I meant genetically) able to wear a kilt. I think my EPDNA and My MCDNA would test positive for most anywhere north of Hadrian's wall, but I sure wouldn't want to have to bet on it; especially after some twelve generations of hybridization with the rest of the world.

    Case in point; my son who has all of my Scottish, Irish, German, English, Native American and who know what else bloodlines, and his mothers Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Alaskan Native blood as well. He should and can wear anything he bloody well pleases (even though it don't necessarily please me).

    My point about religion was that new sects, faiths, yes even theologies are being discovered, or rediscovered all the time. What is an article of faith to one is a pair of pants to another. If I say it is a tenet of my belief, who should question that? Ah, but you say mine is not an organized faith! To which I say "So, what?", is a church of one any less a church than one of a thousand, in the mind and eyes of God? I'm talking about wearing a kilt, and if I so please a Ghillie and a Fly, not an IRS deduction. The greatest things man has done and built, from the Great Wall of China to the Vatican, from the exploration of space to the integrated circuit, all started as a thought; and one can argue that thought was first, in the mind of God.
    Last edited by BroosterB1; 21st October 08 at 02:33 PM.

  4. #44
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    Official warning shot.

    Ok guys, we're really bordering (if we not already passed it with a few of the latest posts) on the NO Religion topic again. Let's try and steer back to the original intent of the thread which was confidence and the kilt, not flags, kippahs, or religion, or I foresee this thread being relatively short lived.

  5. #45
    thanmuwa is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snesgamer View Post
    Does it work in general? I mean, when you've worn your kilt out for a while (and maybe have had to fake confidence), does that confidence eventually leak out in your everyday life as well?

    I first started wearing kilts as a sort of test to see if I was brave enough (don't worry, I'm doing it for my Scottish heritage as well). Sure enough, the first time out, I had to suck it in every time I saw someone walk by (wondering what they were thinking) - but eventually got into the mindset that the only people who would mock or tease are people I wouldn't want to get involved with in the first place.

    So, is it possible to wear the kilt as a sort of natural confidence-training thing?
    Well there are many schools of thought where faking something well enough for long enough (like confidence) makes it true (NLP for a start). The fact that you started using the kilt as a talisman to prove your confidence is, if not proof in itself, then at the very least a blooming good start.....

  6. #46
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    Will tack south

    Always been known to rush right up to the cliff and sometimes jump off, cannon fire across the forecastle has me tacking south to safer waters.

    So, does a box pleat add or subtract to the confidence factor? ;o)

  7. #47
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    Fair enough! A badly worded post. I have removed it.
    Last edited by English Bloke; 21st October 08 at 03:26 PM.

  8. #48
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    I would absolutely say it took confidence to wear a kilt in public the first time. However, I find that while wearing it, I generally feel more confident than usual. The extra attention from the fairer sex doesn't hurt. Oddly, sometimes I even think of situations where I need to have more confidence as "feeling like I do when I'm kilted".

    However, I do have a buddy that actually seems to be looking for a fight whenever he is kilted. Daring others to make a rude remark, etc. I feel that this shows his distinct LACK of confidence while kilted. Weird.

  9. #49
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    Great topic and an issue most of us have dealt with. Something I always say about wearing a kilt..."You shouldn't be in a foul mood or expect to blend into the woodwork if you wear a kilt". People ARE going to say things. I've had some great conversations after someone has said something REALLY stupid. I turn and talk to them. I guess that's confidence.

    There were many times in conversations with people that I felt 'odd' about talking about other things that are important in my life. I'm an artist, musician, activist...I'm serious about my work AND on weekends I throw cabers and I wear a kilt whenever I want ;-)

    As Popeye said "I yam what I yam" and I'm totally cool with that.

  10. #50
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    I think the Kilt has given me confidence of as to getting comments it depends on where you wear it, At the renfest i get lots of positive comments, out in Puplic in TO nobody bats an eye, In and around Woodstock I get stares and Some comments but so far not to my face probably because I do wear it with confidence.
    Last edited by Cherub; 23rd October 08 at 12:24 PM.

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