23rd October 09, 04:23 PM
23rd October 09, 04:29 PM
I play in a band that gigs a lot. Never a dull moment.
23rd October 09, 04:37 PM
For the record, I'm almost never bored in my personal life. I am bored at work tho. It seems all I do these days is attend useless meetings, fill out nonsensical forms, jump to conclusions, rush to judgement, run off at the mouth, and other forms of corporate exercise.
23rd October 09, 04:48 PM
Still toiling. :-( But, never, ever bored. Babies who have just discovered how to walk keep you busy.
23rd October 09, 05:20 PM
In my entire puff I do not believe I have ever known a boring moment. A few dull moments, to be sure, but never have I been bored. On the other hand, there have been one or two occasions when it could have been just a tad less exciting, but boring? Never.
23rd October 09, 09:02 PM
I am rarely bored. I love to sit down with a good book, and if that doesn't keep me occupied I just bought this to keep me busy for the next few years...

23rd October 09, 09:25 PM
I fly fish, tie flies, and build flyrods- I think I may have been bored once, but it passed quickly!
The Fish Whisperer®
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
23rd October 09, 11:50 PM
 Originally Posted by starbkjrus
Or a 102 F temperature and a wheeze.  ith:
How very true. Get well soon!
Vin gardu pro la sciuroj!
26th October 09, 07:55 PM
I am rarely bored. That said, I must also admit that I am very good at doing nothing. The problem is that I am never quite sure when I am done.
By Choice, not by Birth
26th October 09, 08:14 PM
Since becoming a cheesemonger, I've been introduced to cheese making, brewing, and food (good food, mind you, not the the stuff I made in college). Next step is just buying a farm and learning agriculture!
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