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  1. #11
    Join Date
    7th April 05
    Frederick, Maryland, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Alert! All Dandelions to arms!

    One of our fellowship is in Peril!

    Launch the XMTSAS Saltire and sound the klaxxon alarm!

    Help is on the way!

    Hold the line!


    Jamie :ootd:
    As our stalwart Captain led the more obvious assault, I silently crept through the shadows, looking for the rear entrance. I found the nearly hidden door and waited for my signal.

    Finally, I heard it, the sound of a door splintering. Big Mikey had crashed through the front door. That was my signal to enter.

    With a quick flick of the lock pick, I gently opened the door and slipped inside.

    "Dove is in," I whispered into my throat mike and quietly moved through the building in search of our target.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Dandelions, beware the Bee people... And the Ides of March.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  3. #13
    Join Date
    7th May 09
    Jacksonville, FL
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    Where was I....Oh yes...So. The strange men had just burst through my door. I had only moments, only enough time to grab my sporran, before they would be upon me. I had no choice! Defenestrating myself through my second floor bedroom window, I tried to recall the sequence I'd read of for a proper parachutist's landing. Feet, knees, hips, shoulders...something of the sort. Before I could act upon my knowledge, gravity provided it's own solution. Feet then buttocks.

    Luckily the window was unwatched. I did spot sentries observing the back door after one of them sneezed and dabbed at his nose with a handkerchief. I eeled my way across a narrow expance of grass and into a handy shrubbery. Despite my panic I took a moment to think. Speed or stealth? For the moment, I was unobserved, but that fact could change at any instant. If I ran, I'd surely be spotted.

    I determined that stealth was my only course of escape. I forced my breathing to slow as I listened to the angry shouts of the men ransacking my home. I concentrated on the visible sentries. When they were both looking away, I crawled quickly but quietly to the edge of the small retention pond and, by inches so as to make no splash, submerged myself. The pond is only four feet deep or so, with a lighted fountain at the center. I duck walked to the middle of the pond and raised my head next to the fountain far enough to breathe and peer out past the curtain of water at the shapes moving on my lawn. I reasoned that the dazzle of the sparkling water would prevent their noticing me.

    Two of the men came out of the house and stood together in conversation. Straining, I could just make out their words:

    Two of the men came out of the house and stood together in conversation. Straining, I could just make out their words:

    “The First Brother will not be pleased.” The taller one spoke with a deep, resonant tone.

    “How was I to know he wasn’t home? It’s not my fault!” The shorter one squeaked.

    “But it’s your mess to clean up. Hide. Watch for him. Take him when he returns. If you can succeed at that task, your career may be redeemable." He turned then and blew his nose, then walked to a waiting limousine. The driver opened the back door. Surprisingly, he did not enter, but stooped to speak to someone inside. He nodded, rose and walked to another car as the limousine pulled away. The man started the car and followed the limousine down the drive.

    The watchers had faded into the shadows. Knowing where to look, I could spot them, but it was apparent theyd not be leaving soon. I could not remain under a fountain indefinitely. I had to find out who the identities and aims of these sinister nocturnal intruders!
    Last edited by KD Burke; 9th November 09 at 04:11 AM.
    'A damned ill-conditioned sort of an ape. It had a can of ale at every pot-house on the road, and is reeling drunk. "

  4. #14
    Join Date
    18th December 06
    Burlington, Ontario, Canada
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Alert! All Dandelions to arms!

    One of our fellowship is in Peril!

    Launch the XMTSAS Saltire and sound the klaxxon alarm!

    Help is on the way!

    Hold the line!


    Jamie :ootd:
    Cool your jets Errol, KD Burke has not joined to Order of the Dandelion. He remains at this point an impostor. As captain of the Saltire and keeper of the gin might I suggest that you check the roster for the absence of his name and dues! Geesh! Any chance for you to pull out that rubber phallic symbol out to go and "save the world form nefarious ne'er-do-wells" really burns my butt not to mention precious and expensive fuel. More money spent on petroleum distillates means less money for pink kilts!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    21st December 05
    Hawick, Scotland
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    Not wanting to hijack this thread into a personal photothread but for me the Order of the Dandelion is all about recognising fellow x-markers across the ocean.

    left to right Cessna152towser, Chas, ACaig, KiltedKnome and Steve Ashton the Wizard of BC all here in my home town of Hawick, Scotland.

    Or at the Edinburgh gathering, three 'mericans and two Scots, Maelcoluim, TamBlackwood, Cessna152towser, Old Hiker and Luckey.
    We would not have found one another in the crowd had it not been for the dandelions we were wearing.

    Or go to England, Cessna152towser, EnglishBloke, Chas and PhilTibbetts

    In USA, SoCalFerg and his lovely wife Phyllis with LAscotswoman

    The lovely Sydnie7, she of Flamingo Kilts.

    LAscotswoman and Cessna152towser

    Of course, in fairness, I should also add our Canadian friends, except we tend to forget to wear our dandelions while in Canada.
    left to right Cessna152towser, MrsMacMan, MacMan, BigMikey, KiltedReverend. Steve Ashton the Wizard of BC and Raphael, in Victoria, British Columbia.

    In Hamilton, Ontario,
    MacMoose, Wompet, McMurdo, cessna152towser, ccg3359 he of the rubber chicken sporran fame, and MacHummel.
    Truly the Order of the Dandelion symbolises international friendship!!!!
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 8th November 09 at 03:05 PM.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Alert! All Dandelions to arms!

    One of our fellowship is in Peril!

    Launch the XMTSAS Saltire and sound the klaxxon alarm!

    Help is on the way!

    Hold the line!


    Jamie :ootd:
    Standing at the ready, Captain!

    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Cool your jets Errol, KD Burke has not joined to Order of the Dandelion. He remains at this point an impostor. As captain of the Saltire and keeper of the gin might I suggest that you check the roster for the absence of his name and dues!
    What ... let me see that roster ... A's, B's, (flipping pages) I's, J's, K's ... hmm, nope - no KD Burke listed here ... well, as long as I'm up I'll rescue the dog ...

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    So I go away for a weekend conference. I arrive home to find ... security has been breached. Does this mean everyone will want to be a member of the Order? I do hope so!
    Andy in Ithaca, NY
    Exile from Northumberland

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    A wee bit south of West Point
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    Quote Originally Posted by peacekeeper83 View Post
    Next he will be telling us he knows a secret handshake and where the OotD meets, if there was such a thing....
    Oh Man!!!! You told him about the Secret Handshake????? Next he will want the Decoder Ring and Special Sunglasses.
    By Choice, not by Birth

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Black Helicopters! I ASSURE you I was no where NEAR KD....ahem, Black helicopters do NOT exist.

    We do not have a secret handshake, or password, or theme song, meeting place, cookie recipe, 'offical' sponsor, secret proactive membership recruitment team, cool new team logo, blood oath...

    ahem--we have NONE of these--I SWEAR it...or at least I would if I knew anything about said organization...

    Wheeew...as you were.
    [I][B]Ad fontes[/B][/I]

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