12th November 09, 04:14 PM
 Originally Posted by Heming
Do keep going though, this is the most enjoyable thread for weeks!
So why is it rated only one single, solitary, forlorn, woebegotten and so desperately lonely little star?
Go on! I DARE you to rate it higher!
'A damned ill-conditioned sort of an ape. It had a can of ale at every pot-house on the road, and is reeling drunk. "
12th November 09, 04:25 PM
 Originally Posted by KD Burke
So why is it rated only one single, solitary, forlorn, woebegotten and so desperately lonely little star?
Go on! I DARE you to rate it higher!
Concerned only for his image are we sure that this is not Panache in quise?
12th November 09, 08:01 PM
Welcome to the brotherhood :ootd: KDBurke. It is certainly a good thing that we showed up when we did, I'd have hated for poor Abigail to have ended up as gator snacks.
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
13th November 09, 12:06 AM
 Originally Posted by KD Burke
So why is it rated only one single, solitary, forlorn, woebegotten and so desperately lonely little star?
Go on! I DARE you to rate it higher!
I've never rated a thread in my life. These stars are one of life's great mysteries, probably connected to pyramids and deep-fried ice cream.
Vin gardu pro la sciuroj!
13th November 09, 05:55 AM
 Originally Posted by KD Burke
The Captain looked at me over one shoulder and replied “Amy. The waitress at Culhane’s.” He caught my blank stare and started over. “She’s one of our best operatives. For some time now we’ve been keeping track of this so-called Brotherhood. Amy was assigned to keep track of the local pubs and listen for leads. She saw you being hustled out and raised the alarm.”
Ah, yes, Amy, lovely girl. Please, not so loud, you'll blow her cover.
 Originally Posted by KD Burke
“As we speak, a team of investigators is boxing up files, confiscating computers and interrogating the members of the Brotherhood. They identify themselves as FBI, CIA, DEA, Customs, Federal Reserve even FDIC. If anybody asks, it’s a joint task force. They are ladling out so much alphabet soup that no two people will be able to agree on any but the broadest outlines of what happened.”
“They’re questioning each and every Brother at length. They aren’t answering any questions themselves, but the questions they ask will make it seem they are investigating a Ponzi scheme of unprecedented scale. When they’re turned loose, I doubt any two of them would admit to ever having met unless it was at gunpoint!”
(In the report to the Captain)
My team has completed our operation in the headquarters of the Brotherhood. All relevant information has been confiscated and we have leads on the few brothers who were away at the time of the raid.
Sufficient evidence has been planted that the remaining brothers will be considered fugitives by every law enforement agency in the United States and they have been reported to Interpol as well. We should have no further trouble from them.
Mr. Dove :ootd:
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
13th November 09, 07:53 AM
 Originally Posted by Heming
I've never rated a thread in my life. These stars are one of life's great mysteries, probably connected to pyramids and deep-fried ice cream.
At the top of the topics page you will find the rating doo-hickey where you can rate it. It says I already rated this thread and will not allow me to change it. I probably rated it a minus three million as I do whenever Panache makes a post.
13th November 09, 12:28 PM
 Originally Posted by ccga3359
I probably rated it a minus three million as I do whenever Panache makes a post.
Dear sir! As worthy a gentleman as you (no doubt!) are; I must point out that you've allowed your well-established animosity toward Panache to blind you to the literary and stylistic merits,(meager though they may be, for I make no pretensions to the skills of scene, nor plot, nor yet of narrative. My own delight is in the vocabulary and in the interplay of words!) of my own piece.
As we are yet of short acquaintance, I will pretend that I am not offended so as to preserve the bonhomie!
'A damned ill-conditioned sort of an ape. It had a can of ale at every pot-house on the road, and is reeling drunk. "
13th November 09, 12:36 PM
 Originally Posted by KD Burke
Dear sir! As worthy a gentleman as you (no doubt!) are; I must point out that you've allowed your well-established animosity toward Panache to blind you to the literary and stylistic merits,(meager though they may be, for I make no pretensions to the skills of scene, nor plot, nor yet of narrative. My own delight is in the vocabulary and in the interplay of words!) of my own piece.
As we are yet of short acquaintance, I will pretend that I am not offended so as to preserve the bonhomie!
Man, there is a lot of big words there. In my defence I did at one time think that you were Panache masquerading as a different poster. Now that's changed, now I think you are Panache masquerading as a different poster. Hence my initial rating and my current inability to change my rating.
Now back to all those purty words.
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