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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draelore View Post
    I like outfit #1 with a dash of Panache, but do you have a solid color necktie that highlights one of your kilt colors? This would serve to bring the whole outfit together. IMHO (honest) the top and bottom halves of the outfit seem to not be connected. This in no way detracts from the professionalism of the outfit.
    Hrmmm, that's the dilemma I've been having. Up until this point in my life, I've never been fond of 'loud' neckties. I honestly hate the idea of the 'power tie'. I've always thought ties look better (when wearing p@nt5, at least) when they're subdued in color. I know that historically a tie is supposed to be the one bit of color in a normal wardrobe, and it's perfectly acceptable for men to be expressive with the color of their neckties. I've just always stuck to the idea that neckties look best when they're modest.

    So, having said that, I do not own any ties in primary colors. I may end up buying a tie or two in certain colors to go with my kilt, but as of right now I wouldn't be able to match the green, white, or red. The only ties I have that would go with the kilt colors would be black or dark blue, and variations thereof. But I definitely see the point about tying colors together between the top half and bottom half of the outfit. Do you think a dark blue tie would look better than the one I have on?

  2. #42
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    I prefer 1 or 2.

  3. #43
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    I like the first outfit, the only thing I would change it the tie, I think that a plain coloured tie goes better with the kilt

  4. #44
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    The kilt, socks and flashes are to my opinion very well color coordinated. Couldn’t be better. Absolutely perfect.

    You seem to worry a little bit about your kilt being casual. Don't. Who of your collegues, do you think, should be able to tell the difference between your very good looking casual kilt and an 8 yard hand sewn master piece which they don’t even have to compare it with?

    Regarding ‘your about waist level’, I’m a little bit more in doubt. And that’s mainly because of the waist coat. If you normally are wearing one, it is OK, but if you never do, why with the kilt?
    Here cultural differences might play a role. In Denmark, where I live, men wearing waist coats to job (or at all) have since the 90s or earlier become as seldom as are men in kilts. It might be quite the opposite in your country, however.

    I prefer the light colored shirt over the dark blue one, especially together with the dark grey waist coat. Again that is my opinion.

    If it is normal to wear a tie to job (in Denmark it is no longer that common, not even among general managers - unless they are to meet people from abroad), do it.
    By all means, if you’re going to wear the waist coat, wear a tie, too. A waist coat and a shirt without a tie look (IMHO) wrong.

    Most important thing; whatever you chose to wear, feel confident and secure. With all the combinations you have shown us, you should be able to!


  5. #45
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    Regarding ‘your about waist level’, I’m a little bit more in doubt. And that’s mainly because of the waist coat. If you normally are wearing one, it is OK, but if you never do, why with the kilt?
    My reason for going with the waistcoat is because I want to make a good first impression. You're correct in that I never wear one otherwise, and nobody around here does either. But it does make the entire outfit look a bit dressier than it would look without it. So when introducing my coworkers and my boss to the kilt, I'd rather look overdressed than underdressed. Later on, once they're used to the kilt, I can take a more casual approach.

    Even ties are not normally worn here. We voluntarily wear them once a week, which is a trend I started in this office and has caught on with almost all the men who work here. On Tuesdays we wear ties, just for the sake of looking nice and being professional. Considering that I started that trend, I think it will go a long way toward others accepting the kilt in the office, since they know that I favor tradition and dressing more nicely than I'm required to.

    Come to think of it, I heartily despise the trend towards casual wear in a professional environment. Nowadays, it seems that what passes for 'professional' clothing is slacks and a polo-style shirt. I really wish we could go back a couple of generations to where men wore ties and jackets as the norm, as a more traditional look. And hats. Men don't wear hats with suits any more, which is a bit of a shame. A kilted outfit at the "day wear" or "smart day wear" level would fit in a lot better if the rest of society were actually interested in looking nice too, instead of scraping by with casual/comfortable clothing.

  6. #46
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    All your selections look good, but the first one is my choice.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post

    Come to think of it, I heartily despise the trend towards casual wear in a professional environment...I really wish we could go back a couple of generations to where men wore ties and jackets as the norm, as a more traditional look. And hats. Men don't wear hats with suits any more, which is a bit of a shame.
    I'm almost that old - started my professional life back in the late 60'es. But I never ever wore a hat. I remember that when still in high school I looked forward to the day that I could wear one, like my father. But just a few years later wearing a hat became an absolutely NO-NO, probably as a consequence of the 68-generation.

    Well, looking back, I never missed it, but I was one of the last persons within my environment to give up a tie, but eventually I did.

    I see and understand your points regarding 'above the waist line' and wish you a great day!


  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post

    Unbutton the last button on the waistcoat

    Move your flashes back a bit, they seem to far forward.
    I guess these things are matters of opinion like most things... I've always disliked the look of unbuttoning the bottom button. I've a large collection of images of people in Highland dress and the bottom button is nearly always buttoned.

    I think the position of your flashes is perfect! I really dislike it when people wear them to the side at 9 and 3 O'clock. Pipers, at least, and the military, usually wear them like you have them there. Now... some regiments wear them even further forward, with the front edge of the front flash at the midline of the front of the calf. This looks too far forward to me.

    I don't like, however, the way that your waistcoat is overlapping your sporran. I like the old-fashioned waistcoats which were straight across the bottom, which are widely available at Western Wear places and 19th century clothing places, for wear with the kilt.

    Otherwise you should get a shorter vest I think. You can get Scottish waistcoats in various lengths at Higgins.

    And check out the thread about tartan flashes... I personally dont' like them because they are a recent innovation and don't reflect the norm in Highland dress.

    All in all you look great! And yes, smile!

  9. #49
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    Otherwise you should get a shorter vest I think. You can get Scottish waistcoats in various lengths at Higgins.
    This was the $27 waistcoat from Target, which I was hoping would be shorter in the front. I must have a short torso or something, because it's hard to find any vest/waistcoat that actually sits where it's supposed to in the front.

    I do intend on buying a waistcoat/jacket combination tailored specifically for a kilt one day, but they're not in my budget at the moment. For now, I suppose I'll have to move my sporran down a smidge to avoid the issue you're talking about. It drives me nuts.

  10. #50
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    I'll vote for #3 and then #1. The dark waist coat on the white shirt tends to ballon you somewhat. You look slimer with the tan shirt. I much preffer the brown sporran, it has a lot more "personality" than the other. I realize you are trying to maintain a business look, they all do that. #3 just has more flair.

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