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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Critique my outfit, please

    I talked to my boss about wearing my kilt to work on St. Andrews Day and he said it was OK. He didn't seem real super thrilled by the idea, but did agree to it. His first question was "are you going to wear underwear?". I just laughed and said that everybody asks me that (though I didn't answer his question).

    So here's a picture of what I intend to wear, and I was hoping you guys could tell me if it looks OK. As I've mentioned before, I was not blessed with an innate sense of style. So if I've done something foolish, please let me know.

    It's an off-white dress shirt with diagonally-striped (silver/black) tie and charcoal waistcoat from Target. Worn with a USA casual kilt (it's the only kilt I have, and while I realize a casual kilt isn't the best choice for day wear like this, it'll have to do). Black home-made sporran, Lovat blue hose with tartan flashes, and black dress shoes.

    The tartan flashes are very muted with these hose, but they're all I have. I've ordered some traditional garter ties in red and charcoal, and if they come in before St. Andrews Day I'll wear one of those. Which would look better, red or charcoal?

    Do these dress shoes look too clunky with this outfit? They're not exactly traditional shoes for a kilted outfit, but they're all I have right now in black.

    On the tie, if this one doesn't look good, I can switch over to a dark blue tie that has tiny pinhead-size dots on it, maybe.

    Is there anything about the outfit that clashes or looks wrong?

    I could always switch over to a dark blue shirt like the one shown below, although I'd wear it with the sleeves rolled down and a tie. Would this look better for a first impression, assuming it's worn with a tie?

    Or here's another option. Beige/tan/stone colored shirt with similar colored hose (I would probably only wear the charcoal flashes with these hose). However, here I've chosen a paisley tie that I originally bought with this shirt, intending to wear it with p@nt5. Is paisley a no-no with a tartan kilt?

    Also, you'll notice that here I'm wearing my brown home-made sporran and brown brogues. Do you think the brown accessories would go better with either of the two options I showed above rather than black?

    Any help or options would be appreciated. I'm very limited on my budget right now, so rushing out and buying other accessories isn't an option at the moment. I'll have to pretty much work with what I have.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    i like the first and third options best! The dark blue shirt is great, but i think i'd likely pair it with dark bue hose.
    Whatever......you look good in all the pics, nothing to worry about at all!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I'd say go with the first outfit, a white shirt brings up the general formality of an outfit, and while they are all fine day wear outfits it has been my experience that the more correct people think I look, the less negative comments I get. Your shoes are fine as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    IMHO you look just right! Stunning, even. I'd stay with the black shoes and sporan for this event, but you do have good options for changing it up with the brown. Have fun with it. I'll bet your boss will be impressed.

    Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I just realized I meant to post this in the 'kilt advice' forum, not this one. Can one of the mods move it there, please?

    I'd say go with the first outfit, a white shirt brings up the general formality of an outfit, and while they are all fine day wear outfits it has been my experience that the more correct people think I look, the less negative comments I get.
    That's sort of what I was thinking as well. For first impressions, I want to go with something that looks more on the dressy side than the casual side.

  6. #6
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    You're looking great. I lean toward the first outfit especially if it's your "debut" at the office. The shoes look fine.

    You know that we're all on your side...get in there and show 'em what a kiltie is made of!



  7. #7
    Join Date
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    All the pictures are fine, but I think the first picture is the one to go for. Two comments though!The shoes need a bit better shine and you need to smile!!!Sorry! Very well done and have fun.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Looking good. The second option seems IMHO to be a bit sombre, the sporran is 'lost' in the vest and the shirt
    May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    In total agreement with Jock Scot and the others-- it's definitely outfit #1. And like Jock Scot pointed out, polish the beejeesus out of your shoes. A tin of Kiwi Parade Gloss black, some good old fashioned spit, and a lot of elbow grease, will do wonders for your look.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Another vote for #1.

    As I've mentioned before, I was not blessed with an innate sense of style.
    You're kidding, right?

    If not, then the money spent on the remedial style classes certainly seems to have paid off!

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