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  1. #41
    Join Date
    24th March 08
    the Highlands of Central Oregon
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowher View Post
    Dwfii: I will clear this up for you because you are clearly feeling threatened or something. I was laughing at your post in agreement. Surprised as you may be XMTS is not my life nor is it the only forum I take part in. I have seen people like you spoke of and I laughed at the truth to your comment. Having a chuckle yet not at your expense.

    I don't appreciate your rude comments that came from your incorrect assumption. Next time please let those passionate feelings of anger subside before you post so as to not lower yourself. I enjoy your point of view regardless of me agreeing with you or not. Things would be quite bland without opposing viewpoints. I am always open to learning from someone I don't agree with.

    Have a enjoyable day sir.
    I think you mistake me.

    But let me point out that if you had wanted to make a clear and unequivocal statement as you just have, you had every opportunity to do so.

    Smilies, for all their usefulness are not words, nor explanations. Rather they often embody the same sort of ambiguity that has characterized much of this conversation.

    I am wordy sometimes...but it is because I do not care to leave my meaning open to "interpretation".

    For that reason alone it is hard for me to fathom someone making a post such as you did and not having some inkling that it could be misinterpreted. So easily avoided, so casually thrown aside. No one can make your comments clear for you. You have to take that responsibility yourself.

    I was not angry and I will not cast aspersions. But I do post to more than a few forums and I've seen snark from many angles.

    I accept and appreciate your clarification..."a day late and a dollar short" though it be. And regret any angst my comments may have caused.
    Last edited by DWFII; 5th July 11 at 11:41 AM.
    DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
    In the Highlands of Central Oregon

  2. #42
    Join Date
    15th October 07
    Oakville, Ontario
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Hey! hey heyhey?

    How about:

    The Kilt - Historical

    The Kilt - Traditional

    The Kilt - Modern

    It doesn't need explanation, we know what the words mean... Let the bright people of X Marks work it out for themselves.
    Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    12th November 10
    Central Kentucky, USA
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    I have saved myself what appears to be loads of anguish by never reading the descriptors.
    Kenneth Mansfield
    My tartan quilt: Austin, Campbell, Hamilton, MacBean, MacFarlane, MacLean, MacRae, Robertson, Sinclair (and counting)

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