16th January 11, 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mark's Mom
oh oh oh! i know! I would send it in, like normal, but put a line through the part where it says slacks, and then to be safe the part e, which seems ambiguous, if they sign that then, they can't complain. (I learned that from a former boss, who was an attorney. might not work, but always worth a shot.)
16th January 11, 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by dutchy kilted
I think some Germans might argue that Lederhosen IS formal attire.
Best of luck and keep us updated!
i went to HS with a guy that actually wore Lederhosen to school about a dozen times at least, we had a German Club trip to Frankenmuth, and he got them there. And he wore them. Quite often actually.
16th January 11, 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by sathor
oh oh oh! i know! I would send it in, like normal, but put a line through the part where it says slacks, and then to be safe the part e, which seems ambiguous, if they sign that then, they can't complain. (I learned that from a former boss, who was an attorney. might not work, but always worth a shot.)
As part of my MBA, I took a very educational "business law" course that clarified such phenomena quite well.
In order for any contract to be considered valid, several elements MUST be in place, two of which are: an OFFER, and ACCEPTANCE of that offer. (There are other elements, such as: consideration, free consent, capacity to contract, enforceability, etc, but those would only obfuscate the issue here).
If you were to cross out the section that didn't appeal to you, sign and submit the completed contract, that would constitute a COUNTER-OFFER -- not acceptance. In order to be legal and enforceable, you would still need to have evidence that your counter-offer had been accepted first.
16th January 11, 11:03 PM
Hey Mark's Mom
Talk to the admin folks now. Prom is still a couple of months off and you have time to gather your forces prior to talking with those folks. They usually listen to parents and especially parents who present a logical and forthright position. I teach high school English out here in Colorado and this year will be my fourth Prom kilted. Still can't get any of the students to go kilted but we will have another teacher kilted at the Prom.
If all else fails, talk to your local school board.
Prom 2010
Kilted Flyfishing Guide
"Nothing will come of nothing, dare mighty things." Shakespeare
16th January 11, 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by CDNSushi
As part of my MBA, I took a very educational "business law" course that clarified such phenomena quite well.
In order for any contract to be considered valid, several elements MUST be in place, two of which are: an OFFER, and ACCEPTANCE of that offer. (There are other elements, such as: consideration, free consent, capacity to contract, enforceability, etc, but those would only obfuscate the issue here).
If you were to cross out the section that didn't appeal to you, sign and submit the completed contract, that would constitute a COUNTER-OFFER -- not acceptance. In order to be legal and enforceable, you would still need to have evidence that your counter-offer had been accepted first.
I don't know anything about business law, I'm stupid, but I think you are right on the money, CDNSushi. All sides in a contract would most likely have to sign each change in the contract; I think these types of contracts are usually written on the back of envelopes... Otherwise all kinds of changes could be made after the contract was signed.
Never sign the bottom of a sheet of blank paper.
Grew up in a small business family, and have seen hand written contracts and such, though.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
17th January 11, 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by Bugbear
Grew up in a small business family, and have seen hand written contracts and such, though.
Nothing wrong with that. Handwritten contracts are valid. Even an oral contact can be a legal contact... It's just that there exist some very compelling reasons why it's a good idea for contracts to be drawn up in a manner that's a bit more watertight... But you do what you gotta do.
Even now, I'm organizing a ski & snowboard trip for a group of people, all of whom I'd consider very close FRIENDS, and yet -- I've drawn up a form of contract by which I'm taking deposits as a form of commitment in promise of accommodations and transportation to and from the venue. Why? Because if anyone bailed I'd be out a lot of money -- and I value my friendships too much to allow hard feelings over financial loss to come in the way.
Anyway, this is WAYYY off topic... So just to reel things in a little bit, I'll add my two bits here and say that by the wording of the contract shown here, I get the impression, based on the fact that contact information for the administrators is provided, that exceptions and deviations from the rules are expected, and provision has been made for their consideration. Seems that communication with the admin is more important than the document itself.
As such, I would refuse to get worked up about an imaginary argument or fight until such time as an actual "no" answer is given. Sometimes we get so caught up imagining the fight that we'll have to face, that we are shocked to the point of disbelief when a "yes" answer is rendered instead. I'd try to remain optimistic.
In the mean time, as an additional voice of encouragement, I cannot say that I'm in the United States, but for what it's worth, as McNulty, I have attended my students' graduation ceremony as kilted faculty. In Japan, it's a very formal affair, and if I were a homeroom teacher to the graduation students, I'd be expected to wear a white bowtie and tails. For non-homeroom faculty, jet black formal suit (the one they normally wear only to weddings and funerals) and white necktie are appropriate. I arrived wearing kilt, grey Argyll and white tie, and no one (least of whom, me) felt that I looked out-of-place.
The thread with grad photos is here: http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...-2010-a-57588/
Last edited by CDNSushi; 17th January 11 at 12:42 AM.
Reason: Typos and added info.
11th May 11, 08:58 AM
GREAT NEWS!! Today as I was sewing on the last of the buttons of Mark's Prince Charlie, I decided it was time to get permission for him to wear his kilt to the prom. I first wanted to have the outfit in hand to show the school administrators in case they felt that Mark's wearing a kilt was some sort of joke. Up 'til this day, I have not known if the strict rule regarding only wearing trousers would be blindly enforced. I finally got in touch with the right person and he said Mark can wear the kilt!! He had one condition, and that was that Mark wear some shorts under it. Mark had planned on wearing a swimsuit under it, so that was no problem. Actually, I got him a blue swimsuit and he wants me to sew a white X on the front and back, like the Scottish Flag.
Mark is finishing up the prom dresses and will do a final fitting next week. The prom is on May 21, so we are finishing our projects just in the nick of time.
Making Mark's kilt and Prince Charlie jacket and vest has been a rewarding challenge to me and has brought me great pleasure. Thank you to all who helped me get through the process of getting permission for Mark to wear his kilt to the prom. I remained optimistic and it paid off. Your support is greatly appreciated! Pictures will come soon!!
11th May 11, 09:04 AM
Oh what super news! I am so pleased for you both.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
11th May 11, 09:07 AM
BRAVO!! That is great news. Looking forward to the photos. Congratulations.
11th May 11, 09:07 AM
Congratulations April, you did it!!!
So glad to hear the school said yes, I was getting worried and wondered if that "Glee" episode last night was a good or bad thing for the future of kilts at proms.
We want to see Mark in his full regalia and the girls in their dresses that HE made, when prom time comes around. Love the X idea on the bathing suit.
Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber
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