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  1. #1
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    Burns night on a Budget Advice...

    There's a chance that I'll be able to talk my wife into attending a Burn's night and I'm in a bit of a quandry... I have my olive UK and my Clark USAK Casual (I'd wear the USAK), no jacket, no waistcoat, no sporran, and grey hose from Sport Kilt (in other words, they're not very dressy)... The wife says no more money to be spent on kilt stuff... so what's a guy to do? I've got decent shoes (nice shiny leather wingtips), really nice dress shirts and ties, so that will be alright... but all the normal kilt accessories will be non-existent... I could maybe swing $50 worth of stuff... is there nice yet affordable semi-dress sporrans and hose I could get for that price? Or should I maybe (since I have no sporran at all), grab a buzz kidder so I have a daily sporran and just go with what I've got??

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
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    As far as the sporran goes

    Take a look at the Celtic Croft's Economy and Economy Fur Sporrans


    In their Economy Section take a look at the SE04

    (Black leather with Chromed Cantle Economy Sporran for $55 US)

    I just ordered one yesterday on Panache's recomendation.

  3. #3
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    I would go with the buzz kidder sporran. Although it is not very dressy, it will be of more use on a day to day basis.

  4. #4
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    You can find rabbit fur sporrans on ebay for about $30 delivered. That's where I got mine. It looks fine.

    You might consider using the money to have a jacket you already own altered to serve as a semi-formal kilt jacket. While there will be many at your burns dinner in formal dress, you will blend in more as long as you have a jacket on. Even a standard vest will look better without a jacket.

    Don't let the clothes deter you from going though. I understand the desire to present yourself properly at the dinner but reality sometimes prevents us doing everything we want. Most people will not comment on why you are not dressed formal. If they do, they are extremely rude. Attend and enjoy yourselves.

    Otherwise I'd go with the Buzz Kidder for the same reason S4 mentions, it will be more functional on a daily basis than a stiff semi-formal. Forgo the bling bling and choose function.

  5. #5
    macwilkin is offline
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    I would also recommend checking with the organisers about the dress for the Burns Supper in question; most Burns Suppers are a mix of dress, with full Highland formal to "Saxon" black tie and "church" dress (ie a nice suit). If it is a more casual, "pot-luck" type Burns Supper, you could easily get away with a nice sweater, or a sweater-vest, shirt and tie.



  6. #6
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    I'm with Todd on the nice sweater or sweater vest and tie.

    The sporran McMurdo mentioned is a good value for a dress sporran but I would be tempted (since you don't have a dayware sporran) to head over to the Stillwater site and puchase the handsome black braided sporran Jerry has for sale right now for about $30 (with detachable tassels) and pick up some affordable kilt hose and flashes as well. You should be able to do that for right around $50-60.

    A regular dress vest (if you have one) can be folded under and secured with safety pins to make a kilt vest. If you don't have one, check out your local second hand/ thrift stores. I've picked up dress vests for $3.00

    Need a sgian dubh?

    If you have a wood chisel, a dremel, or even a decent pocket knife for whittling you can quickly come up with a simple knife handle and blank out of a piece of scrap (hardwood). A little stain and/or an old bit of jewelry and you are set!

    Good luck
    Last edited by Panache; 29th December 06 at 09:20 AM. Reason: spelling
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post

    You might consider using the money to have a jacket you already own altered to serve as a semi-formal kilt jacket. While there will be many at your burns dinner in formal dress, you will blend in more as long as you have a jacket on.
    There are alot of threads in the DIY section, if you or someone you know is good with a sewing machine you could do it yourself in time for Robbie Burns night
    below is a link to Alan H's jacket directions, it should point you in the right direction.

    Last edited by McMurdo; 28th December 06 at 04:48 PM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8
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    This is all pretty good advice... I've got a navy blue blazer for sure that I could modify... I might have something else, but I know I've got a blazer... what do you guys think a tailor should/would charge for this sort of thing?

    Also, who has affordable, nice-looking kilt hose?
    Last edited by Captain; 28th December 06 at 08:45 PM.

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    Oh, and as for the type of dinner... It's at a banquet hall with pipe band, DJ, and a $35/head cover... so it darn well better not be pot luck!

  10. #10
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain View Post
    Oh, and as for the type of dinner... It's at a banquet hall with pipe band, DJ, and a $35/head cover... so it darn well better not be pot luck!
    I would certainly call the organizers then and see if there is a "recommended dress" -- instead of a modified blazer, I would suggest contacting a local formal rental shop and see about renting an Eton jacket (also sometimes known as a Captain's jacket), waistcoat, formal shirt and black tie.



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