I want to again say thank you for your support.... It meant the world to me and my mom too...
she went back into the Hospital on Wed.
the cancer has spread to her liver, and kidneys.......
game over..... thanks for playing.........
now we are trying to get her home so she can die in peace... hopefully it will be on Sun. that we bring her home
I really dont know if I will be on again anytime soon, I might pop in to browse, but I wont be saying much..... I will let you know when the day comes that the battles o'er I say this because you all have been a great support for me and I feel that you deserve to know....
I also want to give a big thank you to RK-REX for getting me in contact with Jerry of Stillwater Kilts for my mourning Kilt, and to Jerry himself for processing and sending out this kilt so fast! I will be here in a few days....alas the jonesing begins but it's a different kind of jones this time.... a jones caused by wanting to have everything ready for the enevitable and do right by my Mom.... she always wanted me to get that green heavyweight.....she says it will bring out the green in my eyes....I hope she's right.