24th April 07, 02:32 AM
A present ...
A while ago I was given a 'hoody' top as a present by the students Elaine works with at the university. I am not a 'hoody' person and I have not worn it out and about, but I thought I'd better wear it today because I might be meeting a few of them. They even had it embroided for me ...

Here's the logo

Iechyd Da
A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer
24th April 07, 03:23 AM
I am not a hoodie guy either, but that is great, nice of them to personalize it for you, Cilted Crusader.
24th April 07, 03:23 AM
What a nice gesture...embroided and all
I'm also not a hoody person, but it looks really nice (just don't use the hood) and I love the colour.
Wear it!
24th April 07, 03:27 AM
very thoughtfou o' them...
ai alsa dinnae like hoods- but ai alsa wuid wear it oiny way...
guid oan ya Derek
24th April 07, 04:14 AM
Very nifty! Yes, the color is very nice and the customized embroidery is terrific. It does go marvelously with the tartan
24th April 07, 05:56 AM
24th April 07, 06:12 AM
"Cilted Crusader" I like that. The kids at the collage thought that one out in order to make it a very personal gift.
24th April 07, 06:15 AM
Nice hoodie. (I hate that term, hoodie! It sounds . . . I don't know what it sounds like, but I don't like it.)
I, too, would not wear one under most circustances, but yours is very nice, and the kids did well in honoring you. I'd wear it just like you . . . and keep the hood down. Otherwise, I fear I would look like the guy knocking over the convenience store on the news.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
24th April 07, 06:31 AM
I'd wear it even if I didn't like it. Just because the warm fuzzy thoughts about the random act of kindness would keep out the cold.
24th April 07, 07:08 AM
Great that they think so well of the Cilted Crusader.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
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