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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th October 06
    Snellville, Ga
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    Evolution of a kilt wearer

    I thought the rabble might be interested in a blog post I wrote today. This post came about after I was questioned yesterday on how I got into wearing the kilt. It made me sit back and ponder my evolution as a kilt wearer and attempt to explain it to those who might be interested.

    The link is here

    I would love to hear your stories as well (or any comments on the story contained!)
    "A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon

  2. #2
    Join Date
    15th May 08
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash_4 View Post
    I thought the rabble might be interested in a blog post I wrote today. This post came about after I was questioned yesterday on how I got into wearing the kilt. It made me sit back and ponder my evolution as a kilt wearer and attempt to explain it to those who might be interested.

    The link is here

    I would love to hear your stories as well (or any comments on the story contained!)
    I was interested to see that it took you so long to get to the once/twice per week stage. I went from seriously considering wearing the kilt to wearing it at least half time within about three weeks. Granted, the first time I ever actually touched a kilt, I wore a friend's tank to the Milwaukee public museum. I figured that it would be a good baptism by fire: If I could cope with wearing it full time there (I did have a pair of jeans along if I chickened out), then it might be worthwhile for me to look into getting a kilt myself.

    Of course, it helped that Mrs. Coder complimented (and continues to compliment) me on how I look in a kilt.

    I can sympathize with your desire for a tank as well. For me, I've been trying to convince myself that buying one is worthwhile, and I'm not sure where I'd get it. When I do get a tank, it will be a box pleat. As far as the tartan goes, I'm still not sure. I'm trying to convince myself that it would be okay for me to order a Black Watch. Unlike a lot of the folks here (you included), I have no Scots blood that I can find (genealogically speaking, we were only able to trace out one of my four grandparents). I've kind of taken that to mean that nobody can prove I'm NOT Scot somewhere. Kinda makes it hard to find a clan tartan, though.

    So, when the time comes for a tank, I guess I'll just have to draw straws. Until then, I've got my nightstalkers to keep me company.

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