11th July 08, 04:11 AM
A little off the back, please
I know this has been around for a while, but I still find it funny!
"A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon
11th July 08, 05:25 AM
Have not seen that one.
Didn't know the Britts had cone heads.
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
Listen to kpcw.org
Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
11th July 08, 06:18 AM
[B]Clan Rose[/B]-[SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Constant and True[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][I]"I cut a stout blackthorn to banish ghosts and goblins; In a brand new pair of brogues to ramble o'er the bogs and frighten all the dogs " - D. K. Gavan[/I][/SIZE]
11th July 08, 07:15 AM
 Originally Posted by mbhandy
Have not seen that one. 
Didn't know the Britts had cone heads.
Steady!I used to wear one of those!
11th July 08, 08:50 AM
Ah, but are you telling us, Jock, that your head is shaped like that?
11th July 08, 09:48 AM
 Originally Posted by Galician
Ah, but are you telling us, Jock, that your head is shaped like that? 
The bearskin would be a lot easier to keep on, if my head was that shape,believe me!
11th July 08, 12:00 PM
A couple of teddy boys are stopped by a policeman as they make their midnight way unsteadily along the High Street. He looks them up and down, and his gaze settles on their winklepicker shoes.
'Do your toes reach the end of those shoes?' he enquires ponderously.
The more inebriated youth regards him glassily, and then grins as a thought strikes him.
'Does your head reach the top of your helmet, Constable?'
I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
-- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.
11th July 08, 10:10 PM
 Originally Posted by Pleater
A couple of teddy boys are stopped by a policeman as they make their midnight way unsteadily along the High Street. He looks them up and down, and his gaze settles on their winklepicker shoes.
'Do your toes reach the end of those shoes?' he enquires ponderously.
The more inebriated youth regards him glassily, and then grins as a thought strikes him.
'Does your head reach the top of your helmet, Constable?'
I love it!
11th July 08, 10:20 PM
I've never seen that one, thanks for posting it!
I literally fell out of my chair
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